We're all just waking up. I don't think anyone can say we're truly awake yet when the enormity of what may be coming is something none of us can comprehend at this time.
I'm counting down till the Canadian truckers get to Ottawa. My BIL is up there and he's making a long ride down to be the patriot that he is. Super stoked for that.
My hasty username was incorrect. I am continually waking up to new truths- but trying not to be so jaded that Iβm suspicious of EVERYTHING and everyone. We must continue to pray for discernment and have humility. We cannot know everything. There are some pedes here that have gone too far IMO. They have turned hateful to others here because they are so suspicious.
Edit: Yes. To answer your poll. ;-)
I'm so tired I can taste colors, my body frequently forgets how to breathe on its own and my knees buckle every time I get a feeling of deja vu, which is quite frequently...
Oh, and with one foot in the waking world, one foot in the dreaming world, and one foot in the grave, I'm very quickly coming to terms with the 9 Orders of Creation and the meaning of life...
where you are fully aware that physical reality is a dream
Physical reality isn't a dream. It's a crossroads.
It's the point where all Kingdoms of Principalities and Orders of Creation have been fused into a realm of infinite potential.
The dream is believing that the physical reality isn't the fullness of all conceptual things.
Rocks, trees, people, colors -- these are things most people can accept.
But emotions, feelings, thoughts, abstract notions, beliefs, and potential?
Those are things people still refuse as a reality -- as "physical."
To assume God didn't include everything in the physical world we live in means anticipating Heaven is something more than Earth.
Not so. Earth has everything and all potential to be equal in fashion to the Heaven God intended. But, as it stands, the Kingdom is not yet in this World.
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would surely fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Those who seek to find, have found the Kingdom. The Stones which build the Temple are their offering to His glory, that we may come to know him through great works.
I know it's corny, and you might not like the actors, but they did make a Stone.
That feeling you get? When something brings you to tears. That's when all of Creation turns its head towards a single point in the waking world, and the Glory of God is known to all. It's when the Creator's Creation Creates something phenomenal -- something that surprises even Him. Something of Sacrifice.
If the physical world were but a dream, then such things wouldn't exist; rather, we wouldn't know of them.
Heaven is already here, and so too is the fullness of the Lord. The only thing holding it back are those who won't dream while they too are awake.
Everything you come up with in a dream is an interpretation of what you learned in the waking world before.
We humans are made known to the Universe by three things:
We are modeled as all things are, as a fractal of the God Person.
That's Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Mind is the Father -- the Law and the Intent.
Body is the Son -- the Incarnation and Sacrifice.
Works are the Holy Spirit -- Our Grace and Will in the world.
Angels only operate in mind and works. They have no body, and cannot die. Beings that cannot die have no fear of God, which is to say they can have no true respect for God.
Theirs is the realm of dreams, which is why they cannot reinvent their selves. They have no sense of mortality, and are unbound by the limitations of time. Without those limitations, one cannot create.
If you had access to infinite time and the access to knowledge that follows it, everything you make would be its perfect form, as you would have no reason to make anything lesser. Angels see the perfect way to make things, and as such are completely lost to the merits of "lesser" machinations, limited only by the authority assigned to them by the Father.
Beasts have only body and spirit, as their minds are incomplete and they cannot create, as proven by their inability to form questions.
Humans are a step above. We see things as beasts do but we have the almighty question.
We can sleep and let the Spirit fill us like Adam. But we can also question that Spirit and ponder upon it -- molding it into new and interesting forms that can only be discovered through the imperfect lens of perspective.
We have all aspects of the God Person, which is why some Angels have fallen. They refuse to believe that something lesser is greater in authority and purpose; that the cost for acquiring power is focus.
They are like multitools, able to do everything spiritual under the Lord, the Law. But their many functions weigh them down, and their purpose un-tempered on the Stage of Creation. God puts us to use like tools, and while a multitool's screwdriver head that has a notch in it for opening cans will unscrew a screw, it's obvious that the job would be better performed with the dedicated tool, a screwdriver, limitations included.
With those limitations we gain individuality and a clear purpose, but in a dreaming world absent of the body we would ultimately dissolve into obscurity. We must be individuals and unique, which necessarily includes our limited perspective.
Everything is different levels of the same dream.
I agree, but you need to understand how what you've said matches perfectly what I've phrased above. It is a fractal, and you can zoom in or out. Zooming in is introspective. Zooming out is retrospective.
You have the key, but are missing the lock, which is the opposite for most people, I'll give you that.
Everyone is hung op on the zooming in and zooming out, the small and big pictures, that they have forgotten to take time and appreciate the here and now and that picture of ourselves that God set before us and adores far more than we are willing to linger on.
Ponder these things. I by no means have the full picture nor the small, and am most definitely not smart. Smart people are those who have acted on their knowledge. I have learned much and acted little, which makes me obsessive and a hypocrite.
Those who are awake cannot sleep.
We're all just waking up. I don't think anyone can say we're truly awake yet when the enormity of what may be coming is something none of us can comprehend at this time.
with the shit going on ... who the fuck can sleep!
Since building 7 collapsed.
I'm counting down till the Canadian truckers get to Ottawa. My BIL is up there and he's making a long ride down to be the patriot that he is. Super stoked for that.
My hasty username was incorrect. I am continually waking up to new truths- but trying not to be so jaded that Iβm suspicious of EVERYTHING and everyone. We must continue to pray for discernment and have humility. We cannot know everything. There are some pedes here that have gone too far IMO. They have turned hateful to others here because they are so suspicious. Edit: Yes. To answer your poll. ;-)
I'm so tired I can taste colors, my body frequently forgets how to breathe on its own and my knees buckle every time I get a feeling of deja vu, which is quite frequently...
Oh, and with one foot in the waking world, one foot in the dreaming world, and one foot in the grave, I'm very quickly coming to terms with the 9 Orders of Creation and the meaning of life...
So, yeah, I'm as awake as I can be.
Physical reality isn't a dream. It's a crossroads.
It's the point where all Kingdoms of Principalities and Orders of Creation have been fused into a realm of infinite potential.
The dream is believing that the physical reality isn't the fullness of all conceptual things.
Rocks, trees, people, colors -- these are things most people can accept.
But emotions, feelings, thoughts, abstract notions, beliefs, and potential?
Those are things people still refuse as a reality -- as "physical."
To assume God didn't include everything in the physical world we live in means anticipating Heaven is something more than Earth.
Not so. Earth has everything and all potential to be equal in fashion to the Heaven God intended. But, as it stands, the Kingdom is not yet in this World.
Those who seek to find, have found the Kingdom. The Stones which build the Temple are their offering to His glory, that we may come to know him through great works.
I know it's corny, and you might not like the actors, but they did make a Stone.
That feeling you get? When something brings you to tears. That's when all of Creation turns its head towards a single point in the waking world, and the Glory of God is known to all. It's when the Creator's Creation Creates something phenomenal -- something that surprises even Him. Something of Sacrifice.
If the physical world were but a dream, then such things wouldn't exist; rather, we wouldn't know of them.
Heaven is already here, and so too is the fullness of the Lord. The only thing holding it back are those who won't dream while they too are awake.
You cannot learn in a dream.
Everything you come up with in a dream is an interpretation of what you learned in the waking world before.
We humans are made known to the Universe by three things:
We are modeled as all things are, as a fractal of the God Person.
That's Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Mind is the Father -- the Law and the Intent.
Body is the Son -- the Incarnation and Sacrifice.
Works are the Holy Spirit -- Our Grace and Will in the world.
Angels only operate in mind and works. They have no body, and cannot die. Beings that cannot die have no fear of God, which is to say they can have no true respect for God.
Theirs is the realm of dreams, which is why they cannot reinvent their selves. They have no sense of mortality, and are unbound by the limitations of time. Without those limitations, one cannot create.
If you had access to infinite time and the access to knowledge that follows it, everything you make would be its perfect form, as you would have no reason to make anything lesser. Angels see the perfect way to make things, and as such are completely lost to the merits of "lesser" machinations, limited only by the authority assigned to them by the Father.
Beasts have only body and spirit, as their minds are incomplete and they cannot create, as proven by their inability to form questions.
Humans are a step above. We see things as beasts do but we have the almighty question.
We can sleep and let the Spirit fill us like Adam. But we can also question that Spirit and ponder upon it -- molding it into new and interesting forms that can only be discovered through the imperfect lens of perspective.
We have all aspects of the God Person, which is why some Angels have fallen. They refuse to believe that something lesser is greater in authority and purpose; that the cost for acquiring power is focus.
They are like multitools, able to do everything spiritual under the Lord, the Law. But their many functions weigh them down, and their purpose un-tempered on the Stage of Creation. God puts us to use like tools, and while a multitool's screwdriver head that has a notch in it for opening cans will unscrew a screw, it's obvious that the job would be better performed with the dedicated tool, a screwdriver, limitations included.
With those limitations we gain individuality and a clear purpose, but in a dreaming world absent of the body we would ultimately dissolve into obscurity. We must be individuals and unique, which necessarily includes our limited perspective.
I agree, but you need to understand how what you've said matches perfectly what I've phrased above. It is a fractal, and you can zoom in or out. Zooming in is introspective. Zooming out is retrospective.
You have the key, but are missing the lock, which is the opposite for most people, I'll give you that.
Everyone is hung op on the zooming in and zooming out, the small and big pictures, that they have forgotten to take time and appreciate the here and now and that picture of ourselves that God set before us and adores far more than we are willing to linger on.
Ponder these things. I by no means have the full picture nor the small, and am most definitely not smart. Smart people are those who have acted on their knowledge. I have learned much and acted little, which makes me obsessive and a hypocrite.