Random question: has Dr. McCullough commented on similar effects caused by mAbs?
Just curious, since I received them when I got COVID and I’ve been worried…my body wasn’t fighting the infection well even with ivermectin, so that was my only option at the time to avoid hospitalization.
You need zinc with ivermectin. As Dr Zelenco says, ivermectin is the gun and zinc is the bullet. It's possible your zinc levels were low. Vit D also helps your immune response.
The mAbs aren't the vaccine though, they are just immune system antibodies that help your body fight the virus.
They won't have the same adverse effects as the vaccines.
I was taking the full Zelenko protocol and still got whammied. My vitamin D levels were 75 in autumn when I got it. May have just gotten the short stick.
Hoping you’re right about the mAbs; my concern arose once WHO added sotrovimab to its list of recommended treatments…they never recommend anything good.
Sorry to hear that, dude. Glad you got through it though.
Did you start the Zelenco protocol early in the infection? It's main purpose is to stop the replication of the virus to allow your immune system to take it out.
It's also possible that your immune system is low for other reasons.
Peter McCullough is one of the authors of this paper, but I don't think antibodies cause the issues the spike proteins, whether from Covid or the vaccine, do.
The mAbs used for MS messed people up BIG time. The ones used for cancer also screw people up frequently, so I’m just curious about the ones for COVID.
Trump got REGEN-COV, but he also has access to cancer/other treatments we don’t have access to yet to counteract any negative effects that might arise. So I’m just wondering if McCullough/anyone else has been ringing cautionary alarm bells on the mAbs.
He has said that they are good and that the federal government is blocking access to them. Believe it was the Joe Rogan interview. If you haven’t seen the interview I highly recommend it.
I read a synopsis of it, haven’t listened to it yet.
I was wondering about Rohan in general due to his interviews with Dr. Mark Gordon. Dude charges thousands of dollars to supposedly help vets get their endocrine system back online following TBI; the practitioners Dr. Gordon lists as trained either also charge large sums with no exit clause, or have been arrested for supplying narcotics, lol.
So I’m skeptical of everything. Didn’t realize Dr. McCullough took over $200k from drug companies in 2018 either.
Random question: has Dr. McCullough commented on similar effects caused by mAbs?
Just curious, since I received them when I got COVID and I’ve been worried…my body wasn’t fighting the infection well even with ivermectin, so that was my only option at the time to avoid hospitalization.
You need zinc with ivermectin. As Dr Zelenco says, ivermectin is the gun and zinc is the bullet. It's possible your zinc levels were low. Vit D also helps your immune response.
The mAbs aren't the vaccine though, they are just immune system antibodies that help your body fight the virus.
They won't have the same adverse effects as the vaccines.
I was taking the full Zelenko protocol and still got whammied. My vitamin D levels were 75 in autumn when I got it. May have just gotten the short stick.
Hoping you’re right about the mAbs; my concern arose once WHO added sotrovimab to its list of recommended treatments…they never recommend anything good.
Sorry to hear that, dude. Glad you got through it though.
Did you start the Zelenco protocol early in the infection? It's main purpose is to stop the replication of the virus to allow your immune system to take it out.
It's also possible that your immune system is low for other reasons.
But I'm glad you made it through, fren.
Yep, was taking D/immune support proactively. Upped the doses when I tested positive.
Some people seem to just not respond as well. It’s also possible I wasn’t taking enough horse paste/misjudged the dosing. C’est la vie.
Thanks, fren. Me too.
I think he means monoclonal antibodies.
Peter McCullough is one of the authors of this paper, but I don't think antibodies cause the issues the spike proteins, whether from Covid or the vaccine, do.
Yeah, I’m just curious.
The mAbs used for MS messed people up BIG time. The ones used for cancer also screw people up frequently, so I’m just curious about the ones for COVID.
Trump got REGEN-COV, but he also has access to cancer/other treatments we don’t have access to yet to counteract any negative effects that might arise. So I’m just wondering if McCullough/anyone else has been ringing cautionary alarm bells on the mAbs.
He has said that they are good and that the federal government is blocking access to them. Believe it was the Joe Rogan interview. If you haven’t seen the interview I highly recommend it.
I read a synopsis of it, haven’t listened to it yet.
I was wondering about Rohan in general due to his interviews with Dr. Mark Gordon. Dude charges thousands of dollars to supposedly help vets get their endocrine system back online following TBI; the practitioners Dr. Gordon lists as trained either also charge large sums with no exit clause, or have been arrested for supplying narcotics, lol.
So I’m skeptical of everything. Didn’t realize Dr. McCullough took over $200k from drug companies in 2018 either.
The study specifically calls out this is unique to the vaccine.