[G]od[F]ather III
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Who can you trust? No one. Only Jesus
Boy I am confused. Is Flynn a Black Hat?
always has been..
Hmmm, so I just found this: "One religion". Is he potentially referencing a "One world religion" as championed by the UN? https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1459658826425249798?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1459658826425249798%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fmichael-flynn-one-religion-under-god_n_619084abe4b0c621c5cde083
He also belongs to some weird church, never liked the look of him or trusted him.
All I can say is wow.
Yep. Saw that too. Many things now very questionable...
this is the prayer he speaks, not esoteric or demonic at all. https://ibb.co/WPtYnHy
You are way smarter than this anons !
"Mike Flynn stole prayer from Elizabeth Clare Prophet"
why stole, arent we about unity not division?
also fuck off shill for pointing us to this shitty link:
Published on Oct 10, 2021 MAGA/Q/ANTIVA is a Cult. Flynn stole the prayer from Elizabeth Clare Prophet
or is Lyn Wood planted to us to turn against Flynn ???
https://qposts.online/post/953 "They think you will follow the STARS."
OMG, from this drop:
Whole new meaning when you read it like this!
Yeah eyes bulging
Well done my Aussie patriot Fren! Maher is so obviously Hugh's son. I wasn't aware until now of Flynn's endorsement/support. Lin is the real deal to me.
Thinking back to the Bosi/Flynn interview where Flynn completely took over. I thought it weird. Interesting...
WHHOOOOAAAA. Mods, this needs an extra sticky stick. You are ON IT, anon!
Lin Wood is probably wiping a tear for this one. What a find! LW has been on us for weeks about GF. I quit trusting GF when I saw so many photos/remarks of him with obvious evil symbolism. I do not trust him at all!
If Flynn was a Black Hat, wouldn't they have left him in the Trump organization instead of charging him with all that BS crap? It doesn't make sense. I'll stick with Flynn until it is proven he is anti Trump!
Where does the FG and three star logo come from? Never saw it.
You guys are making something into something that it is not. It's just the protestant fear of praying to the saints and the angels when early Christians have been doing this from the beginning.
Michael, Raphael, Gabriel are the archangels and their names are biblical. There are plenty of prayers addressed to them.
The "Sevenfold rays" is a term I'm not familiar with but ya'll are jumping the gun and automatically assuming it is "esoteric" or "occult." Based on what evidence? This theory is held together by duct tape and silly string. I have a better reference.