Males: Small, effeminate, sound like homosexuals even if they classify themselves as heterosexual. They surround themselves with women who don't consider them sexually attractive and repeat like bots whatever bullshit comes out of MSM or their "professors". Pale, scrawny translucent skin and for whatever reason, LOTS of gingers. Sensitive to everything.
One of my cousins dated a dude like that in college. She would bring him around to family gatherings and he looked scared and fragile. When we played football I was genuinely scared of breaking his body in half. We had to treat him like a woman. A small woman.
I think these types are scared of the trucker types. They view them as large and angry lol. I see these types on social media going on rants about the Canucks and it's always some little pussy looking dude or some angry fat white feminist.
It's like the roles reversed. The guy became the woman and the woman turned into a fat angry guy.
You're fighting against the Gates depopulation agenda, yet are ready to send people you don't like to get culled because you think they aren't the most fit specimens of humans? Sounds pretty eugenicist like to me, just saying...
I'm not saying they should die, but people like that thrive in the safe space environment that has been built up for them over the past 70 years. Meaning the only way they will disappear is if a major catastrophe happens, which is unlikely, and it will affect the strong as well, and especially children, so no I'm not wishing for something like that to happen.
Do not lump me in with the likes of Margaret Sanger and Bill Gates. We are not the same. They have actually caused eugenics to happen, I'm merely pointing out how it could happen. We are not the same.