List leaders. We can't just assume that everyone in a certain group is in on it, because not everyone is. Remember how FDR just assumed that if you had Japanese ancestry you must be helping the Japanese against us and as a result he imprisioned a lot of innocent Americans in internment camps for no other reason than their demographics.
What happens if you do that and enough people begin to realize that an absurd majority of them belong to the same tribe to the point that it breaks statistical probability?
Before you bitch about nip internment consider that the US won the Pacific Theater, with only some help from the ANZACs and a little help from the British Navy, but mostly on their own. It was really the US’s last outright victory over an unconditionally surrendering enemy. There was no leaking of the fact that US decoders had cracked Japan’s pre-Midway encryptions. There were no domestic sabotage attacks on Pacific coast shipyards or munitions factories. No terror attacks against American civilians, and no disruptive protests of the war. Maybe the internment worked. Maybe it was the will to do non-PC dirty work that made them the Greatest Generation, and the lack of will is why people of our era get pushed around by commies, woketards, and third-worlders.
Maybe it was the will to do non-PC dirty work that made them the Greatest Generation, and the lack of will is why people of our era get pushed around by commies, woketards, and third-worlders.
You've got a point.
Maybe the whole PC thing was created to PREVENT people from protecting themselves from the racism targeting them.
And this is why white people are being genocided right now. Because we're too soft and brainwashed to protect ourselves. Every other race uses in-group preference. We're the only ones who don't. How's that been working out for us? How well would a football team perform if half their team not only wasn't working with their teammates but actively assisting the opposing team in scoring goals against their own?
Fren, I would love to have this conversation with you in person. To difficult with thumbs for me to cover all the points. No, that is not apples for apples comparison. Restricting nations travel has to do with that nation's practices and therefore holds that particular nation responsible for doing it's own vetting. That was the closest comparison you made. We all get frustrated with injustice and people getting away with wrong. Think of the constitution and our rights that are protected by it's inforcement, those rights afforded to us by our Creator. If we judged by the same generalizations, I don't believe any of us could continue to be a free people, and we would be no better than those you judge as a group. Think of some of the people still being held for Jan. 6th. I have already put too much on here. Thanks for you patience. Feel free to respond but this is my last to this thread.
Almost every single evildoers has the same roots. Whether it be central bankers, Rothschilds, soros, media moguls, COSTA of major corporations or literally just about any position of influence.
How can you try to spin it any other way? Just like if it's 2 am in an inner city and I have the choice of whether to walk on a side street and come across a black or an Asian, I'm picking Asian every time. Don't get trapped by political correctness and feeling virtuous. Enough is enough.
Congressmen with dual nationalities serve Israel, movie producers, lobbyists, CEOs of major corporations, NGOs for open borders they ALL have something overwhelmingly in common. Don't ignore obvious reality, please.
We all know not all jews are bad. But there is a disturbing trend when 2.4% of the population is literally at the helm of everything that is wrong with this country.
Sometimes the down votes are because many here are newer to the awakening too and there are some rabbit holes that take much longer to consider. while I think there are legitimate questions about Jewish influence here is my issues
1: there are evil people that aren't jews. The jew haters on this board don't seem to comprehend that
2: jew is such a wide ranging term at this point that it loses a lot of meaning. Who exactly are the jews? Few agree even among jews on who is a jew? Are we talking khazarian jews who are Satanists and not actually jews? So many variables it is a lot to sift through. Everyone claims to know but so far no one has been proven completely right.
3: there are way more urgent matters to care about than the jews. This is a Q board. If you want to talk about jews all day there is other sites for that and sites where people actually understand what you are talking about. When you are just waking up to government oppression and tyranny the last thing you need to be instantly hit with is flat earth, fake holocaust and other conspiracies. I'm not saying they aren't possibly real I'm just saying when you are still reeling from having your worldview shattered it is not the time to get hit with some of the deepest rabbit holes that take a lot of processing.
One downvote from the guy you're replying to (because you went too easy on MUHJOOZ for his taste), and you immediately freak out about JIDF shills, as you educate this guy on kindness and tolerance. And the example you give is that the military is right to discriminate against Chinese... except you're literally talking about a PLA vet with a family full of ganbu, vs. non-CCP huaren or ABCs/CBCs who would have been allowed to serve.
The people here who downvote MUHJOOZ are mostly Evangelical Christians or people who know from mod announcements that MUHJOOZ are 90% shills trying to get QAnon shut down as a hate group.
List leaders. We can't just assume that everyone in a certain group is in on it, because not everyone is. Remember how FDR just assumed that if you had Japanese ancestry you must be helping the Japanese against us and as a result he imprisioned a lot of innocent Americans in internment camps for no other reason than their demographics.
What happens if you do that and enough people begin to realize that an absurd majority of them belong to the same tribe to the point that it breaks statistical probability?
You still have to separate out the individuals who are actually causing problems even if it is hard and slow.
Before you bitch about nip internment consider that the US won the Pacific Theater, with only some help from the ANZACs and a little help from the British Navy, but mostly on their own. It was really the US’s last outright victory over an unconditionally surrendering enemy. There was no leaking of the fact that US decoders had cracked Japan’s pre-Midway encryptions. There were no domestic sabotage attacks on Pacific coast shipyards or munitions factories. No terror attacks against American civilians, and no disruptive protests of the war. Maybe the internment worked. Maybe it was the will to do non-PC dirty work that made them the Greatest Generation, and the lack of will is why people of our era get pushed around by commies, woketards, and third-worlders.
You've got a point.
Maybe the whole PC thing was created to PREVENT people from protecting themselves from the racism targeting them.
They didn't intern the American citizens of German ancestry. Imprisoning an entire demographic group is never the right answer.
They did
So then you are judging a whole people group. I don't think I would want to be judged like that. Sound like the beginning of genocide.
Are you white? If you are then you already are judged exactly like that.
Which would be, as a Christian, exactly why I won't do it to any other group.
And this is why white people are being genocided right now. Because we're too soft and brainwashed to protect ourselves. Every other race uses in-group preference. We're the only ones who don't. How's that been working out for us? How well would a football team perform if half their team not only wasn't working with their teammates but actively assisting the opposing team in scoring goals against their own?
Yep. When 95% of a group acts in concert a certain way it makes perfect sense too. The outliers are smaller enough in number to be irrelevant.
BTW, I'm thinking your 95% is arbitrary and has no basis in substance or fact.
Then you clearly haven't looked into the matter.
Fren, I would love to have this conversation with you in person. To difficult with thumbs for me to cover all the points. No, that is not apples for apples comparison. Restricting nations travel has to do with that nation's practices and therefore holds that particular nation responsible for doing it's own vetting. That was the closest comparison you made. We all get frustrated with injustice and people getting away with wrong. Think of the constitution and our rights that are protected by it's inforcement, those rights afforded to us by our Creator. If we judged by the same generalizations, I don't believe any of us could continue to be a free people, and we would be no better than those you judge as a group. Think of some of the people still being held for Jan. 6th. I have already put too much on here. Thanks for you patience. Feel free to respond but this is my last to this thread.
Almost every single evildoers has the same roots. Whether it be central bankers, Rothschilds, soros, media moguls, COSTA of major corporations or literally just about any position of influence.
How can you try to spin it any other way? Just like if it's 2 am in an inner city and I have the choice of whether to walk on a side street and come across a black or an Asian, I'm picking Asian every time. Don't get trapped by political correctness and feeling virtuous. Enough is enough.
Congressmen with dual nationalities serve Israel, movie producers, lobbyists, CEOs of major corporations, NGOs for open borders they ALL have something overwhelmingly in common. Don't ignore obvious reality, please.
We all know not all jews are bad. But there is a disturbing trend when 2.4% of the population is literally at the helm of everything that is wrong with this country.
Sometimes the down votes are because many here are newer to the awakening too and there are some rabbit holes that take much longer to consider. while I think there are legitimate questions about Jewish influence here is my issues
1: there are evil people that aren't jews. The jew haters on this board don't seem to comprehend that
2: jew is such a wide ranging term at this point that it loses a lot of meaning. Who exactly are the jews? Few agree even among jews on who is a jew? Are we talking khazarian jews who are Satanists and not actually jews? So many variables it is a lot to sift through. Everyone claims to know but so far no one has been proven completely right.
3: there are way more urgent matters to care about than the jews. This is a Q board. If you want to talk about jews all day there is other sites for that and sites where people actually understand what you are talking about. When you are just waking up to government oppression and tyranny the last thing you need to be instantly hit with is flat earth, fake holocaust and other conspiracies. I'm not saying they aren't possibly real I'm just saying when you are still reeling from having your worldview shattered it is not the time to get hit with some of the deepest rabbit holes that take a lot of processing.
One downvote from the guy you're replying to (because you went too easy on MUHJOOZ for his taste), and you immediately freak out about JIDF shills, as you educate this guy on kindness and tolerance. And the example you give is that the military is right to discriminate against Chinese... except you're literally talking about a PLA vet with a family full of ganbu, vs. non-CCP huaren or ABCs/CBCs who would have been allowed to serve.
The people here who downvote MUHJOOZ are mostly Evangelical Christians or people who know from mod announcements that MUHJOOZ are 90% shills trying to get QAnon shut down as a hate group.