693 Oh shit, oh shit, oh SHITTTTT!!! 👀👀 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Mukzn (context) 3 years ago by Mukzn +693 / -0 130 comments download share 130 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Never saw someone running for congress talking about child rape being ignored.
Shits heating up for sure.
Her name is Cynthia McKinney. A democrat. Let that one simmer a bit.
Whose name?
Technically she wasn't running for congress. Dr. McKinney was a six term congresswomen from GA. And if she wasn't ignored who the fuck got arrested?
You are talking as if you expect everyone to know everything about her. I haven o idea who she is, what she did and why this is significant.