Oh shit, oh shit, oh SHITTTTT!!! 👀👀
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Never saw someone running for congress talking about child rape being ignored.
Shits heating up for sure.
From our own experience in Australia, even those politicians vocally Anti-Vax and calling out the government all the time - yet they never touch on crimes against children. Anyone who does this is a controlled opposition.
I now understand one of the reasons for such a delay in exposing this. This is how you seperate the wheat from the chaff.
I saw and listened to Bosi yesterday. Top value.
BTW, I think the controlled opposition label is waved around too easily, too frequently, and in my view, often incorrectly.
Controlled opposition means an operation that is run by intelligence in order to hold truth seekers, awakened or active members of the community from progressing too much in terms of learning truth, in terms of getting too close to sensitive information, etc.
If a politician, or an activist, avoids the topic because they do not know about it, or because they do not know how to handle it, or because they think its 'too controversial' or not politically expedient, etc, that doesn't make them controlled opposition. It means they are ill-informed, lack moral courage, don't understand the big picture, or are simply less than perfect, etc.
Example, you get a lot of nuffnuffs in the Australian freedom movement who are egotistical, opinionated, unbalanced or immature, and whose influence might be seen as generally unproductive or even damaging, but it doesn't mean they are controlled opposition operatives. It means they are human.
Does controlled opposition exist? Are there operatives out there, whose mission is to muddy the waters, mislead, misdirect, or basically exert influence over the narrative? I don't have direct evidence, but I'm pretty darn certain there are.
But people throw around "controlled opposition" just because they don't like what some people are saying, doing, or because they see ruskies under every bed.
My view.
Oh, shit. I realized, in forwarding this opinion, I'm gonna get labeled "controlled opposition" Sigh. <faceplam> /sarc
Yes, you’re correct that ‘controlled opposition’ is often misused. It doesn’t mean people who aren’t as based as us or people who don’t go as far. In short, controlled opposition is ‘controlled’ by the enemy. It’s a bold accusation, pretty much like calling someone a spy.
The tricky part is that I suspect that cabal really has placed many plants on our side, but they aren’t the same people who usually get accused of it, which might be a mechanism of the real controlled opposition framing up fall guys.
I'm sure you're correct. Good controlled opposition is usually managed carefully to be ready at the right time (aka sleepers) or are adept at covering themselves.
Interesting point: I'm persuaded to the opinion that people like Stew Peters, etc, are controlled.
Hmmm... Should really do a write-up on factors to consider and how to analyse if someone is controlled ops or not.
there is a huge difference between controlled opposition and useful idiots. There are LOTS of useful idiots who get labeled as things much more nefarious, when they really are just repeating what they have been tricked into believing as truth.
Thank you. It passes me off when I see people resort to that label. Or calling someone with an ill informed opinion a shill. Shills do things on purpose to avoid discussion of a topic. People who may not see eye to eye with you aren't de facto shills. Many of us want the truth and we're not all at the same stage.
I think we both understand "controlled opposition" the same way, but you are pointing out that some people are just incompetent / cowards / ignorant and not really controlled opposition.
Out here downunder, I am talking about people like Craig Kelley or Clive Palmer or the other independants who are all experienced politicians and are perfectly aware that there is a list 28 VIP pedophiles that was voted by the senate to be sealed for 60 years. Yet they never talk about that, they never force the issue, they never call for it to be unsealed, and thats deeply disturbing.
On top of that Riccordo Bosi has said that he has been approached by various other political parties that wants to team up with him, however they want him to relax the "working with children" backround check requirement. I mean, c'mon, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that they all harbour pedophiles. How much more transparent can you get?
All these people are put in place as a "fail safe" when the coalition and labour gets kicked out of office and probably tried for treason, to ensure the Elites don't lose control. These are controlled opposition.
Imagine how the US Patriots felt when the entire Uniparty made itself visible on Jan 6 and beyond. All the RINOs were exposed, and it was nearly all of the GOP. Before that, on election night, Fox News exposed itself as the main media controlled opposition.
I'm not fully convinced, to be honest.
"out here downunder" ... we're both downunder, broh.
I agree with you. I just posted in another thread about my disappointment in Joe Rogan. I do not think he is controlled opposition. I think he is a mainstream cuck who sometimes tends toward the truth but lacks the moral conviction to fight for it when push comes to shove.
He's still new, we will never have another Rush.
Having children to satisfy their horrific desires always takes precedence over population control.
Or scared.
Her name is Cynthia McKinney. A democrat. Let that one simmer a bit.
Stop thinking of parties as a thing. There are a few good people on both sides… there are also a ton of horrible people on both sides. The only difference is the dems don’t apologize for it
This! Our side SUCKS and I can’t stand them even more than the dems b/c at least the dems are honest about who they are and what their agenda is. We can spot them from a mile away. Our side has been throwing us under the bus and acting like they’re completely innocent and on the moral high ground for decades. They’re a bunch of freaking Judases!!
Our side (RINOS) know exactly what they’re doing. It is their plan keep the Republicans Patriots from succeeding. They are actually Democrats that have INFILTRATED the Republican party.
She was unseated by island flippin' Hank Johnson. That tells me all I need to know.
Fucking retard. A military presence on an island can cause or to flip over because some humans are standing on it?
Oh but he's sick! Then maybe he shouldn't be in a position of power..
EXCEPTIONALLY few democrats. (I’ve been non-affiliated with ANY party for years)
McKinney also openly asked for the money Saudi Arabia was offering to NYC after Guliani declined it after 9/11.
At best, McKinney is a communist unaffiliated with the DS. If the club would have let her become a member, she would have never called out the pedos. Feel free to praise her for what she did ... She called out more pedos than 99% of the R party ... Just don't be disappointed when you learn that she's as giddy as a schoolgirl at the prospect of a communist USA.
I watched that on c-span when it happened. It's obvious she is a lefty lib. But at that time practically everyone except Ron Paul was a rino. I don't care if it's octogenarians from the purple gas party asking the question as long as they ask the questions I would ask or better yet the question I hadn't thought of to ask. She shits all over the deepstate by the questions she asks in that video.
Whose name?
Technically she wasn't running for congress. Dr. McKinney was a six term congresswomen from GA. And if she wasn't ignored who the fuck got arrested?
You are talking as if you expect everyone to know everything about her. I haven o idea who she is, what she did and why this is significant.
Not enough sauce in your post,so nothing to simmer.
You are kinda askin' for it... https://www.bitchute.com/video/HFKAMTSbZRZv/
Wow thank you. I hadn’t seen this before.
No I don't have time for vidios,provide real sauce or move along I don't know are care wtf your point is.
Afghan dancing boys.
Bacha Bazi...dancing boys. Forbidden by the Koran but done anyway.
All Major religions are mind control Ops. Time To say bye bye..
Top kek video! It’s the gift that keeps on giving like the Myanmar aerobic chick. 🤣
He’s most likely referring to the Afghani “chai boys”. If you were outside the wire doing VSO you were basically told to leave that stuff alone, to the fury of everyone involved.
Did I just wake up in a brand new reality? I like it already.