The obnoxiously fake fakemask does a good job, too. I think they're at for your viewing pleasure. It's impossible to see one in person without realizing you're being made fun of, whether you're wearing or observing.
I've had multiple opportunities in my town to see triple-maskers and face-shields, there even a guy with a mustard-gas helmet who wears it without irony. Finding the upper limit is a real challenge.
This past summer I saw a young couple on a motorcycle. Both helmetless, he with a facemask, her with a facemask and shield. Such retardation. Laughing in the face of a helmetless crash but OMG protect yourself outside on a warm sunny day from the covid.
The passenger in my truck (20 year old employee) stuck his head out and laughed his ass off at them as we sat at a light. I had the rein the kid in I had my company name on the truck lol but I couldnt blame him for doing it.
So fashionable. Slightly kinky, also overtones of criminality. The rebel princess/robber look.
The obnoxiously fake fakemask does a good job, too. I think they're at for your viewing pleasure. It's impossible to see one in person without realizing you're being made fun of, whether you're wearing or observing.
I've had multiple opportunities in my town to see triple-maskers and face-shields, there even a guy with a mustard-gas helmet who wears it without irony. Finding the upper limit is a real challenge.
This past summer I saw a young couple on a motorcycle. Both helmetless, he with a facemask, her with a facemask and shield. Such retardation. Laughing in the face of a helmetless crash but OMG protect yourself outside on a warm sunny day from the covid.
The passenger in my truck (20 year old employee) stuck his head out and laughed his ass off at them as we sat at a light. I had the rein the kid in I had my company name on the truck lol but I couldnt blame him for doing it.
That's sad.
Their hate mail page is entertaining.
Yeah, they're just joshing with us.
Can't be serious.