I have read and heard that a vaccine shot is supposed to stay in the area of the shot inthe muscle. What if 10 percent of shot-givers miss the muscle and the vax enters the blood stream? What if the cabala was planning on this error? I'm just curious, because it seems like a lot of people who have been vaxxed are just fine. Were some vaxxes placebos?
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There is no liquid substance that stays confined in one area once injected IM. It might for a time, but not for long.
Imho professional opinion the harmful concentrations were in some bad batches and not others. I get this from howbadismybatch.com
Look up Batch Number on Vax Card to see Rate of Reports of Adverse Events Associated With That Lot Number
Good info. Thanks!
Dr Byram Bridle answers this question, I think.
If they stay in the muscle they wont hurt you but these MRNA do not, they travel through your entire blood stream producing millions of spike protein every day. Spike protein is a toxin.
And is there any discussion of a way to detox?
Also this.
It is implied that the vaccine went right into his bloodstream instead of his muscle, and ruined his career as an athlete due to heart problems from the vaccine.
Thanks for the video link. So sad and beyond frustrating.
Imagine designing any medical treatment based upon the assumption that the body does not contain any blood that flows around it.
Even if this is the single thing you know about the 'vaccines' and nothing else, its still reason enough to disregard entirely the demands of anyone who insists you take it.
Agreed. And I am heartbroken (as are others on this board) that I was not able to convince more family members not to take it.
Hardening ones resolve at the thought of burying family members sooner than should ever have been possible is one thing that probably many(all?) of us have to carry like a weight on the soul. Burying children though.. now thats a real kick in the proverbials.
Yet we fight on, because we must. Love to you and yours.
Well said. Thank you. And the same... fight on, and love to all.
They work like this. They inject you. Then you die.
In mouse studies -- if it gets in the veins it causes heart problems.
It was sold as staying locally in the muscle, but it is in fact a "leaky" vaccine (I hesitate to use the word) as much as 75% or there about's is now thought to go all around the body, the S1 spike protein now being found in large amounts in the spleen, ovaries, testes, and other organs. If it crosses the blood brain barrier, inflammation will occur most likely in the brain and heart, hence all the neurological problems and heart damage.
Thank you for the info. So now the question is how does one detox from the mRNA vax? Is that possible, and ongoing?
A supplement called N.A.C and quercetin can help (allegedly).
I have read and heard quotes from several of the docs speaking out on the shots that Pharma said that the spike proteins would remain in the area of injection (arm) but that in fact, 75% traveled around the body causing cells everywhere to make spike proteins. If you research a little, I'm sure you can find info on this.
Thanks for the info.
Yes they are running their own sub trials here's some of em.
Page 13 of the PDF.