Or we could ask the Jews and Nazi sympathizers who lived through it, which we've done, and are more credible sources than researchers who weren't there. If you doubt the death camps were real, just ask the survivors about them.
I am all for asking survivors. It is just amazing how many they have found! Before the war, there were 15 million jews. After the war, there were 15 million jews. But 6 millions jews were murdered through gassing and burned in a bread oven with 3 corpes stacked on top of each other.
The story is so .... compelling that enforcement laws of the official narrative had to be made to force the potential inquirers to not even go there. Heresy of the holohoax religion is VERBOTEN!
My mentor is in his 60's, he has relatives who made it to America (his direct line obviously), and relatives who chose to stay in Germany. All who stayed in Germany died. All who left Germany for the US, survived. So I don't think the Holocaust is fake when you can find real people in your own life, who have nothing to gain or lose talking about the Holocaust. Would I ask Ben Shapiro? No, he has a platform, therefore, an angle. A mentor who no one would care what his opinion is besides myself, 2 others, and the 3 of our family's? Yes. My own ancestors left the Netherlands around the same time and went to Michigan, where my great aunt still resides. They came for fear of Germany becoming more willing to fight again. I get it, people lied to us about many things in life, history, and religion. That does not mean everything that was black is white, and vice versa. History is grey, people and politics today are grey, religion you could even say is grey. Here's what I mean: There is only 1 truth for everything our there. No individual is privy to all truth. We live in our own little circles of what we really KNOW to be truth. So when you read a history book, in which you did not witness, and even if you did witness, you would not have the broadest view. You must assume it is not 100% accurate. Again, you are taking many people's view points, and correlating them into what a historian presents as reality. I mean to say I do not think 6 million Jews died. I think that A LOT of Jews died, and the number was probably vastly miscalculated. Maybe it was 600,000. Maybe it was 60,000. The point is, you can't question that Jews were targeted by Hitler. We can discuss why the Jews, but not that there were no Jews targeted, I won't sit and discuss with someone who believes that. I was at Jan. 6th, but I wasn't at the front of the break in, nor was I at the door that magnetically opened from whoever did it. That is why the countless hours of video being released is the foundation for discovering what exactly happened that day. Religious beliefs are often founded upon what this guy said who heard it from so and so, etc. it goes on. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, 100%. I doubt personally that God would allow the bulk of humanity to go without needed sections of the Word (He would have intervened to make His word known). Look at the catholic religion, many catholics don't know their Bibles. The same is true of mega churches, and even various other reformed churches. The key is to go to source information. Whether it's letters from the war, personal accounts, reading the Bible, allowing all Jan. 6 video to be released and viewable, the list goes on. As an aside about 66 Books of the Bible, which I'm sure comes up in people's mind, let me pre-emptively say, I think that the Bible is only lacking (6 being the number of incompletion in Jewish importance of numbers) in the sense that we are missing what God will only give us in heaven.
Well put. I don't know if it was 6 million, but I do know for certain, like you, it was a genocide. Those who dispute that fact willfully ignore the evidence.
These are the same Jewish prisoners who were incarcerated in the same camp and at the same time as other Jews who claim Jews were turned into bars of soap and lampshades, robot Nazi terminators would roam the camp on rail tracks while holocausting Jews, crazy Nazi scientists were performing hand-swap surgeries on Jewish prisoners while buckets full of Jewish blood would magically dance around the room for some reason, massive geysers of Jewish blood would erupt from the campground for some reason, masturbation sex machines were used to torture Jewish penises, the pedal-powered-brain-basher, the cage with the bear and the eagle that was used to kill a new Jew every day for everyone to witness, entire lakes were converted to acid so escaping Jews would be dissolved as they tried to swim to freedom, Nazis skeet shooting using newborn Jewish babies and massive crematorium chimneys that would puff out different colored smoke depending on what family of Jew was being burned.
Someone isn't telling the truth. We have photos of the pool, the camp orchestra, photos of Jews having fun producing plays, moving screenings in the dining halls. What we don't have is any evidence of the Nazi terminator robots, masturbation machines, the bear and eagle cage, Jewish lampshades and soap, etc. beyond the evidence that forensically proved these tall tales never happened.
Or we could ask the Jews and Nazi sympathizers who lived through it, which we've done, and are more credible sources than researchers who weren't there. If you doubt the death camps were real, just ask the survivors about them.
I am all for asking survivors. It is just amazing how many they have found! Before the war, there were 15 million jews. After the war, there were 15 million jews. But 6 millions jews were murdered through gassing and burned in a bread oven with 3 corpes stacked on top of each other.
The story is so .... compelling that enforcement laws of the official narrative had to be made to force the potential inquirers to not even go there. Heresy of the holohoax religion is VERBOTEN!
Do you mean "survivors" like Joseph Hirt?
My mentor is in his 60's, he has relatives who made it to America (his direct line obviously), and relatives who chose to stay in Germany. All who stayed in Germany died. All who left Germany for the US, survived. So I don't think the Holocaust is fake when you can find real people in your own life, who have nothing to gain or lose talking about the Holocaust. Would I ask Ben Shapiro? No, he has a platform, therefore, an angle. A mentor who no one would care what his opinion is besides myself, 2 others, and the 3 of our family's? Yes. My own ancestors left the Netherlands around the same time and went to Michigan, where my great aunt still resides. They came for fear of Germany becoming more willing to fight again. I get it, people lied to us about many things in life, history, and religion. That does not mean everything that was black is white, and vice versa. History is grey, people and politics today are grey, religion you could even say is grey. Here's what I mean: There is only 1 truth for everything our there. No individual is privy to all truth. We live in our own little circles of what we really KNOW to be truth. So when you read a history book, in which you did not witness, and even if you did witness, you would not have the broadest view. You must assume it is not 100% accurate. Again, you are taking many people's view points, and correlating them into what a historian presents as reality. I mean to say I do not think 6 million Jews died. I think that A LOT of Jews died, and the number was probably vastly miscalculated. Maybe it was 600,000. Maybe it was 60,000. The point is, you can't question that Jews were targeted by Hitler. We can discuss why the Jews, but not that there were no Jews targeted, I won't sit and discuss with someone who believes that. I was at Jan. 6th, but I wasn't at the front of the break in, nor was I at the door that magnetically opened from whoever did it. That is why the countless hours of video being released is the foundation for discovering what exactly happened that day. Religious beliefs are often founded upon what this guy said who heard it from so and so, etc. it goes on. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, 100%. I doubt personally that God would allow the bulk of humanity to go without needed sections of the Word (He would have intervened to make His word known). Look at the catholic religion, many catholics don't know their Bibles. The same is true of mega churches, and even various other reformed churches. The key is to go to source information. Whether it's letters from the war, personal accounts, reading the Bible, allowing all Jan. 6 video to be released and viewable, the list goes on. As an aside about 66 Books of the Bible, which I'm sure comes up in people's mind, let me pre-emptively say, I think that the Bible is only lacking (6 being the number of incompletion in Jewish importance of numbers) in the sense that we are missing what God will only give us in heaven.
Well put. I don't know if it was 6 million, but I do know for certain, like you, it was a genocide. Those who dispute that fact willfully ignore the evidence.
OK. Here's what you requested:
Jewish prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp (notorious for being the most horrendously cruel Nazi prison camp) as they recall summers relaxing by the pool and playing soccer with the Nazi prison guards and enjoying the prison camp orchestra the would often play during the day and working with the prison guards to perform theater productions for the amusement of the prisoners. Jews who recall enjoyable evenings watching live bands, theater productions and movie screenings in their dining halls for their dining pleasure.
These are the same Jewish prisoners who were incarcerated in the same camp and at the same time as other Jews who claim Jews were turned into bars of soap and lampshades, robot Nazi terminators would roam the camp on rail tracks while holocausting Jews, crazy Nazi scientists were performing hand-swap surgeries on Jewish prisoners while buckets full of Jewish blood would magically dance around the room for some reason, massive geysers of Jewish blood would erupt from the campground for some reason, masturbation sex machines were used to torture Jewish penises, the pedal-powered-brain-basher, the cage with the bear and the eagle that was used to kill a new Jew every day for everyone to witness, entire lakes were converted to acid so escaping Jews would be dissolved as they tried to swim to freedom, Nazis skeet shooting using newborn Jewish babies and massive crematorium chimneys that would puff out different colored smoke depending on what family of Jew was being burned.
Someone isn't telling the truth. We have photos of the pool, the camp orchestra, photos of Jews having fun producing plays, moving screenings in the dining halls. What we don't have is any evidence of the Nazi terminator robots, masturbation machines, the bear and eagle cage, Jewish lampshades and soap, etc. beyond the evidence that forensically proved these tall tales never happened.