Lol my neighbor called the pound on me because the stray dog on my street had a litter in my back yard despite trying to seal up every entrance that bitch used and it was surviving by eating her chickens. The guy was like "Yeah unfortunately that means the dog is yours. However I won't cite you or anything just use this form to get the dog destroyed for free. The woman that called us out here isn't supposed to have chickens tho so she will be getting cited."
I didn't take the dog to get destroyed tho. I was hoping he wouldn't get called back because he would def cite me then.
Had that happen to my neighbor as well. Once they were weaned we took them to the Walmart parking lot with a box labeled “free puppies” and they were gone in 30 minutes.
Wish I could do this! Impossible where I live but would be great if I lived somewhere more suitable.
Don't know anything about chickens but I have a suspicion that it is not so easy as having one of the kids spend a few minutes per day. Would be nice to have fresh eggs though.
Like anything we do, there is a bit of nuance to take care of chickens. We have racoons and hedgehogs here to contend with, it also gets cold enough we may have to provide a heating lamp. Your situation might differ.
In the end, once you get established its not that hard. At the very least the family will get an education on where eggs come from, and what it takes to keep birds alive.
Raccoons can be a real problem. Your coop needs to be raccoon proof which is harder than it sounds. They can figure out simple latches and can pull apart chicken wire to get in the coop. A layer of hardware cloth around ground level mitigates this.
We have had chickens for years. Every few Year’s raccoons and foxes will get a few. They keep coming back for more chickens until you trap them. Snakes go for the eggs, don’t really mess with the chickens and once the snakes see you they stop coming in the coop. We had two huge ones a few months back. Scared them off.
They don’t require anything but water if you have property to let them roam for bugs and seeds. The eggs are better with natural grazing than chick feed.
Well, yes, they do require a coop. They put themselves up at dusk. Then you close the door so raccoons don’t get them. They come mostly at night.
And a dewormer every few months or they get explosive diarrhea which is a real mess in and around the coop.
This was back when our government was comprised of actual Americans and not godless commies.
Lol my neighbor called the pound on me because the stray dog on my street had a litter in my back yard despite trying to seal up every entrance that bitch used and it was surviving by eating her chickens. The guy was like "Yeah unfortunately that means the dog is yours. However I won't cite you or anything just use this form to get the dog destroyed for free. The woman that called us out here isn't supposed to have chickens tho so she will be getting cited."
I didn't take the dog to get destroyed tho. I was hoping he wouldn't get called back because he would def cite me then.
Had that happen to my neighbor as well. Once they were weaned we took them to the Walmart parking lot with a box labeled “free puppies” and they were gone in 30 minutes.
It is.
Don't mind if I do!
Just bought a new home a few weeks ago with a backyard big enough for the kids and build a chicken coop. Pumped!
Thhis is one of the more American posts I've seen in a while. So happy pedes are doing this. God save our country! If by hens and eggs, so be it!
I wish I had a yard.
Time to move?
Wish I could do this! Impossible where I live but would be great if I lived somewhere more suitable.
Don't know anything about chickens but I have a suspicion that it is not so easy as having one of the kids spend a few minutes per day. Would be nice to have fresh eggs though.
Accurate, but not as hard as people think.
Like anything we do, there is a bit of nuance to take care of chickens. We have racoons and hedgehogs here to contend with, it also gets cold enough we may have to provide a heating lamp. Your situation might differ.
In the end, once you get established its not that hard. At the very least the family will get an education on where eggs come from, and what it takes to keep birds alive.
Raccoons can be a real problem. Your coop needs to be raccoon proof which is harder than it sounds. They can figure out simple latches and can pull apart chicken wire to get in the coop. A layer of hardware cloth around ground level mitigates this.
Plan on it! And a lush garden too. Apartment living as of right now...
Been wanting to for years but the coyotes/coons/rats/Texas rat snakes make it more of a chore than a benefit- still considering it
Enclosed pen with chicken wire on all sides and above.
We have had chickens for years. Every few Year’s raccoons and foxes will get a few. They keep coming back for more chickens until you trap them. Snakes go for the eggs, don’t really mess with the chickens and once the snakes see you they stop coming in the coop. We had two huge ones a few months back. Scared them off.
They don’t require anything but water if you have property to let them roam for bugs and seeds. The eggs are better with natural grazing than chick feed. Well, yes, they do require a coop. They put themselves up at dusk. Then you close the door so raccoons don’t get them. They come mostly at night.
And a dewormer every few months or they get explosive diarrhea which is a real mess in and around the coop.
A dewormer? Surely not ivm?
Dogs. You need solid dogs in your life. Maybe a cat or two, as well.
I’m building a coop in my backyard now, actually. Gonna be handy with the composting.
That rocks....or eggs, whatever. Good and nice! We have some neighbors who do this, so fun.