On the low end, there are one hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone. At least one of those stars will have sentient life on a planet. They could have 2, 3 or 4 legs and breathe liquid methane. They would they fallen angels?
Yeah, i think it's more likely that angels are actually aliens, rather than the other way around. Either way, we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between that kind of tech and magic, so I'm not sure it even makes a difference to us.
Well, us humans can’t know but Jesus will let us know, if we ask and know how to receive His answer. It takes time spent with God now through prayer and reading the Bible so that things will be slowly revealed to you. Scripture can be used as bullets against these beings when developed. You need to start with milk and work your way up to steak. It takes time and dedication. That’s why the Bible tells us to get our oil now before the day and the hour comes.
I agree, nobody can know for certain unless we see space ships landing on the ground. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, but please, turn the dial to the science part of your brain. Not the "trust the science/the science is settled" propaganda that I'm sure you don't believe in, but the critical thinking part. A hundred billion stars on the low end in this galaxy alone. We all know a hell of a lot has been hidden from us. Why not the existence of legitimate extraterrestrials? Three-legged creatures like the Puppeteers from Ringworld.
I’m not offended, I understand your point. Some of these supernatural spirits will arrive in spaceship looking crafts in order to make people think “aliens really exist”. Some will turn from their faith to these beings and abandon God because it is what they can physically see.That is another big piece of the deception and why we’ve been groomed to think that way. I can’t deny the existence of “legitimate extraterrestrials” because that information has not been revealed to me. God reveals the truth and “critical thinking” can easily be manipulated by satan. Man’s heart and thinking have been proven folly and lacking in wisdom time and time again. That’s why I say only Jesus can show you the truth.
Agreed. I can tell you though that the aliens portrayed through Hollywood are really the fallen angels and their offspring. Their goal is to diminish your faith from God. Whatever you believe they are, do not turn from Him and accept these beings. Some will be beautiful and tempting. Pray for Jesus to reveal their true nature.
I honestly didn’t know what the Vrill was until I just looked them up haha. What I can say is part of the reason the fallen angels transgressed against God is from their genetic experiments. They mixed species and formed types of life that is a direct abomination to God. When the flood wiped them out, their “spirits” remained on the earth. They can’t got to heaven because 1. They are evil. 2. They are not a creation of God. So they roam the earth until the day of final judgement.
What we learn will be much more spectacular than this.
Spiritual beings i.e. angels, devil spirits etc are extra terrestrial, (not space men), Jesus CHrist himself was able to move freely in his scope and activity with his resurrected body. So it's not outlandish. However, where these ET's originate is where the lies have come in.
And this stuff as you say isn't even hidden. When people let God's Wprd do the talking they'll really know the truth about earth and all these other twisted explanations will be exposed.
Project BlueBalls™
On the low end, there are one hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone. At least one of those stars will have sentient life on a planet. They could have 2, 3 or 4 legs and breathe liquid methane. They would they fallen angels?
Yeah, i think it's more likely that angels are actually aliens, rather than the other way around. Either way, we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between that kind of tech and magic, so I'm not sure it even makes a difference to us.
Well, us humans can’t know but Jesus will let us know, if we ask and know how to receive His answer. It takes time spent with God now through prayer and reading the Bible so that things will be slowly revealed to you. Scripture can be used as bullets against these beings when developed. You need to start with milk and work your way up to steak. It takes time and dedication. That’s why the Bible tells us to get our oil now before the day and the hour comes.
I agree, nobody can know for certain unless we see space ships landing on the ground. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, but please, turn the dial to the science part of your brain. Not the "trust the science/the science is settled" propaganda that I'm sure you don't believe in, but the critical thinking part. A hundred billion stars on the low end in this galaxy alone. We all know a hell of a lot has been hidden from us. Why not the existence of legitimate extraterrestrials? Three-legged creatures like the Puppeteers from Ringworld.
I’m not offended, I understand your point. Some of these supernatural spirits will arrive in spaceship looking crafts in order to make people think “aliens really exist”. Some will turn from their faith to these beings and abandon God because it is what they can physically see.That is another big piece of the deception and why we’ve been groomed to think that way. I can’t deny the existence of “legitimate extraterrestrials” because that information has not been revealed to me. God reveals the truth and “critical thinking” can easily be manipulated by satan. Man’s heart and thinking have been proven folly and lacking in wisdom time and time again. That’s why I say only Jesus can show you the truth.
That's not the science part of your brain.
Inter dimensional beings, which is what OP is referring to, can exist without negating the possibility of aliens from other planets.
Agreed. I can tell you though that the aliens portrayed through Hollywood are really the fallen angels and their offspring. Their goal is to diminish your faith from God. Whatever you believe they are, do not turn from Him and accept these beings. Some will be beautiful and tempting. Pray for Jesus to reveal their true nature.
It's the devil spirits that inspire most of what hollywood produces if not all. So of course it all looks the way it does.
"Some will be beautiful and tempting"
To build further on your keen observation, Lucifer is described as an "Angel of Light." One of the most beautiful Beings God created.
Do you speak of the Vrill?
I honestly didn’t know what the Vrill was until I just looked them up haha. What I can say is part of the reason the fallen angels transgressed against God is from their genetic experiments. They mixed species and formed types of life that is a direct abomination to God. When the flood wiped them out, their “spirits” remained on the earth. They can’t got to heaven because 1. They are evil. 2. They are not a creation of God. So they roam the earth until the day of final judgement.
Well said.
What we learn will be much more spectacular than this.
Spiritual beings i.e. angels, devil spirits etc are extra terrestrial, (not space men), Jesus CHrist himself was able to move freely in his scope and activity with his resurrected body. So it's not outlandish. However, where these ET's originate is where the lies have come in.
And this stuff as you say isn't even hidden. When people let God's Wprd do the talking they'll really know the truth about earth and all these other twisted explanations will be exposed.
Yes! Well said :)
They are inter dimensional:
I think Biden goes for guns next
So they’ve perfected the holographic imaging....?! ;)
Fake asteroid attack is before aliens.
"Luigi....we're the aliens!"
The galaxy is flat. This is proof lol.
Aliens are a deepstate nasa nazi lie