Watch how fast the Anglos rally. Been getting walloped in the diversity and inclusion war, but prowess in physical confrontation is an ancestral heritage. A birth right, even.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Watch how fast the Anglos rally. Been getting walloped in the diversity and inclusion war, but prowess in physical confrontation is an ancestral heritage. A birth right, even.
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
Rudyard Kipling
Sorry formatting sucks. Not my forte.
Need typing lessons. Using an actual typewriter. Lol
I started typing a carriage return, followed by an "X", another carriage return, and then a ".", and a final carriage return to create text breaks :)
Here's the trick...
Type your first line and add two spaces at the end (over here-->)
Hit return, and then type your second line.
That will create a physical line break.
Thank you for that. I remember it from school - in England.
Who had SAXON Wheels of Steel? 🤚🏻