Honestly who gives a shit about Ukraine and Russia. I don’t get it. Let them fight it out why do we have to get involved in stupid bullshit across the globe. While we are at it, Let Xi take Taiwan if he wants to try. Again, why protect Taiwan cuz they are a democracy? while we can’t even protect our own democracy from communism?
Ukraine has been the new "offshore bank" the way Suisse and Cayman used to be. Trust me when I tell you the puppeteers have a VERY vested interest in Ukraine. It's more corrupt than anywhere on the planet.
Which is why I think Russia invading Ukraine is good. The media and twatter bots are all screaming about it. That's a good sign something good is happening.
Funny, I had this hunch that Trump made a deal with Putin in that sense. You know how 2 historic enemies join forces to fight an even more heinous foe. It has certainly happened before in the history of mankind.
I read earlier today that the U.K. is considering arming Ukrainians to fight Russia.
It’s probably more plausible to put it out there that Western Ukraine may have been a recruiting ground for Footsoldiers or stormtroopers of the UN for 20 years.
If you look at the police in Ottawa they are clearly of Caucasian origin. it’s implausible to think that a 5 eyes country could send there soldiers into a fellow 5 eyes country to neutralise the citizens.
The pool of possibility reduces through NATO members still further. Only a Ukrainian could fit the profile of being a stormtrooper.
They are not African, Polynesian, South America or Asian and I can’t see the American serviceman being comfortable operating in Canada.
Interesting theory fren. Do you have anything else on that? A Canadian "policeman" with a strong Slavic accent would be hard to miss. Has that been cited?
There’s a newer post on here from someone referencing gab or telegram accounts.
The Daily Mail has loads of articles on Ukraine.This one below from today suggests that they are training lots of strong men to join new forces. Their are lots of photos in the article, you can see from them that the typical Ukrainian fits the Caucasian image.
I read a Brits comments on Telegram earlier who's embedded in Ukraine, near the front. He was saying they're ready to fight Russia to the death. A Brit expat said that.
I think it's human smuggling. I remember reading a comment from a former ambassador's staffer that they knew Ukraine was a cesspit for all sorts of activity: drug running, arms dealing, but most importantly was the child sex trafficking. Apparently Ukraine's a hub in Eastern Europe and if you want white kids to abuse, that's the place to get them.
Since I can't source any of this other than something I remember reading, take it with a boulder of salt, but I wouldn't be surprised if Joey Bribes and Crackhead got involved in Ukraine and started throwing weight and cash around in order to protect more "off the book" activities.
Officially, the story is about a billion dollars in loan guarantees from the US, but I suspect that the billion dollars in "economic development loans" were offered in exchange for cooperation from the Ukrainian cops. Given that they made the deal, I suspect there's more we don't know.
I heard all of this as well, pretty much verbatim. Huge "adult industry" there as well. It sucks that they memory hole and censor so much. Sauce is hard to come by on the internet these days. Stay frosty.
War with Russia was part of the NWO's timeline. When it doesn't happen it means they have lost control. This was as set in stone as her winning in 2016. When these timeline events don't happen they freak the hell out.
Right? And WHY did Xiden stop our pipeline and support the pipeline over there? He's so embedded in Ukraine it's a massive deflection from his personal crimes in that country...and normies can't make that effin connection?!!!? GTFO idiots.
Its this kind of complacency thats lead us here, because the Cabal knows that by planning their crimes in far away places under boring cover, people wont catch on to them.
The reason why you should give a shit about Ukraine and Russia is because of Uranium One. They have planned this for more than a decade, and the end goal is to attack US homeland with a nuclear weapon (false flag) and blame it on Russia this or Ukraine that. You should very well sit up and take note of all the crap they do in all the crap places like Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Myanmar or Taiwan or whatever else shit-hole, because all that directly connects to how they plan to destroy us.
That just further proves my point. The quicker we get out of these shitholes the less excuse they have to run false flags to fuel war, destruction and other bullshit.
Honestly who gives a shit about Ukraine and Russia. I don’t get it. Let them fight it out why do we have to get involved in stupid bullshit across the globe. While we are at it, Let Xi take Taiwan if he wants to try. Again, why protect Taiwan cuz they are a democracy? while we can’t even protect our own democracy from communism?
Ukraine has been the new "offshore bank" the way Suisse and Cayman used to be. Trust me when I tell you the puppeteers have a VERY vested interest in Ukraine. It's more corrupt than anywhere on the planet.
Which is why I think Russia invading Ukraine is good. The media and twatter bots are all screaming about it. That's a good sign something good is happening.
This is a decent read:
Funny, I had this hunch that Trump made a deal with Putin in that sense. You know how 2 historic enemies join forces to fight an even more heinous foe. It has certainly happened before in the history of mankind.
I read earlier today that the U.K. is considering arming Ukrainians to fight Russia.
It’s probably more plausible to put it out there that Western Ukraine may have been a recruiting ground for Footsoldiers or stormtroopers of the UN for 20 years.
If you look at the police in Ottawa they are clearly of Caucasian origin. it’s implausible to think that a 5 eyes country could send there soldiers into a fellow 5 eyes country to neutralise the citizens.
The pool of possibility reduces through NATO members still further. Only a Ukrainian could fit the profile of being a stormtrooper.
They are not African, Polynesian, South America or Asian and I can’t see the American serviceman being comfortable operating in Canada.
Interesting theory fren. Do you have anything else on that? A Canadian "policeman" with a strong Slavic accent would be hard to miss. Has that been cited?
There’s a newer post on here from someone referencing gab or telegram accounts.
The Daily Mail has loads of articles on Ukraine.This one below from today suggests that they are training lots of strong men to join new forces. Their are lots of photos in the article, you can see from them that the typical Ukrainian fits the Caucasian image.
I read a Brits comments on Telegram earlier who's embedded in Ukraine, near the front. He was saying they're ready to fight Russia to the death. A Brit expat said that.
I think it's human smuggling. I remember reading a comment from a former ambassador's staffer that they knew Ukraine was a cesspit for all sorts of activity: drug running, arms dealing, but most importantly was the child sex trafficking. Apparently Ukraine's a hub in Eastern Europe and if you want white kids to abuse, that's the place to get them.
Since I can't source any of this other than something I remember reading, take it with a boulder of salt, but I wouldn't be surprised if Joey Bribes and Crackhead got involved in Ukraine and started throwing weight and cash around in order to protect more "off the book" activities.
Officially, the story is about a billion dollars in loan guarantees from the US, but I suspect that the billion dollars in "economic development loans" were offered in exchange for cooperation from the Ukrainian cops. Given that they made the deal, I suspect there's more we don't know.
I heard all of this as well, pretty much verbatim. Huge "adult industry" there as well. It sucks that they memory hole and censor so much. Sauce is hard to come by on the internet these days. Stay frosty.
huh?? You're saying Michigan Gov control Racine WI? Really?
Shit. I had a huge brain fart. Sorry deleting it :(
War with Russia was part of the NWO's timeline. When it doesn't happen it means they have lost control. This was as set in stone as her winning in 2016. When these timeline events don't happen they freak the hell out.
Right? And WHY did Xiden stop our pipeline and support the pipeline over there? He's so embedded in Ukraine it's a massive deflection from his personal crimes in that country...and normies can't make that effin connection?!!!? GTFO idiots.
You KNOW the military complex are drooling with wood. They got weapons to test?!
Its this kind of complacency thats lead us here, because the Cabal knows that by planning their crimes in far away places under boring cover, people wont catch on to them.
The reason why you should give a shit about Ukraine and Russia is because of Uranium One. They have planned this for more than a decade, and the end goal is to attack US homeland with a nuclear weapon (false flag) and blame it on Russia this or Ukraine that. You should very well sit up and take note of all the crap they do in all the crap places like Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Myanmar or Taiwan or whatever else shit-hole, because all that directly connects to how they plan to destroy us.
That just further proves my point. The quicker we get out of these shitholes the less excuse they have to run false flags to fuel war, destruction and other bullshit.
That's cute. Add long as you keep thinking "get out of there" you are still plugged into the matrix and living in their illusions.
When you start thinking " we need to route out the Cabal from where ever they may have holes themselves in" then you are more in touch with reality
One does not exclude the other Einstein