Many. 9/11 was an Occult Sacrifice Ritual used to inflict mass trauma on the public.
NYC = Babylon
Statue of Liberty = Whore of Babylon - both the Statue of Liberty (really an homage to both Isis and Lucifer) and the Twin Towers were "initiated"...August 5th! (Oh, and the Pentagon was initiated in a Masonic ceremony on September 11th 1941.)
The Twin Towers, the Twin Pillars of Hercules, the Gemini of astrology, Joachim and Boaz of Freemasonry (with the "Salomon's" Temple Building 7 accompanying them)...were they constructed with the foreknowledge that they would be brought down in a fiery sacrificial cataclysm?
I wonder how many globalists were in NYC that day in order to see the towers fall?
Many. 9/11 was an Occult Sacrifice Ritual used to inflict mass trauma on the public.
Dɪɴɢ ᴅɪɴɢ ᴅɪɴɢ!!!!
I just pictured them in some other tower. Champagne glass in hand. . Baby blood in the Glass
Unfortunately, they ALL were'nt in the third building that went down, sipping their champagne - That would have been nice news
I’ve read they actually placed bets on the first jumper to die. Not sure of the validity, but can’t find the article anymore as it’s been scrubbed.
Yeah, they have scrubbed so much about 911.