530 Notable... 3 year delta on Truth Social launch.... (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +533 / -3 74 comments download share 74 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
DWAC skyrocketing premarket... this could go to the moon, or get very very ugly.
What do you mean get ugly? Go down? Why?
DWAC going down is just a buying opportunity, but I guess it could go down if there is some sort of launch disaster.
Which could be manufactured to get it down in price so regular folks can afford it?
Idk, I have signed up, and 24 hours later I still can't get in. Seems purposely done. I'm pretty sure DJT wouldn't put out a failure.
Yes, that same perverse thought has crossed my mind.
I never used to have such a devious mind as I do now having watched the black hats and white hats duke it out.
Anyway, I saw DWAC was at around $108 pre market a few mins ago. That's over 20% up.
Because if it's a pump and dump, people sell the news. If it's a real threat to the market, shorts will attack it with everything they've got to drive down the price a la GME/AMC. Need apes to hodl and withstand the attacks