My son had to be picked up from school on a Tuesday, a few weeks ago, because he didn't feel well and had a temperature of 99.9. The nurse told my husband that he wasn't allowed back until the following Monday.
I logged in to his school app a few minutes ago and saw that the nurse classified his absence as a "Covid positive quarantine." He wasn't tested and he felt better by the end of the day, but he couldn't go back to school for almost a week. I know they want to keep the numbers inflated in order to keep their money flowing in. There is no other explanation.
Thankfully I'm a homemaker, or else I would have been out a week's pay for this! How many parents do lose out and have to make arrangements for this farce? This is utterly ridiculous. The school board superintendent is on her way out and the ones on the board aren't much help.
Homeschool your kid since you can.
Why are we still bothering with schools?
They have shown their hand. State sponsored day care. You really want to keep that around?
Youre a SAHM? And you send him to gov schools when you can homeschool so Im not sure what youre surprised about.
btw here at GA I saw an amazing thread last year about hs curriculum, I will try to find it (it should be permanent sticky) But its that post I found the curriculum that has been life changing. Ive been hs for almost a decade and literally here found the best curriculum recommendation ever.
All Im saying is if you keep sending your child to gov schools, you will keep getting gripes over gov school insanities and control. If you use the opportunity you have to hs, there are countless programs, incl online academies.
You are right about them trying to boost the numbers. When my daughter texted me that she felt faint and wanted me to pick her up from school, I fibbed and told the school that she had been suffering from insomnia so was very tired. Was sent a form from the health dept and I told them the same thing. I knew that if I said she felt faint due to an unknown cause, they would scream "COVID!" and exclude her from school for two weeks, plus anyone who was in class with her (she has 6 classes so that would have excluded a lot of kids!) At one point last fall, over 1/3 of the school was excluded!
You need to take this to the Principal and Superintendent. That is total BULLSHIT. They are likely trying to keep Covid absentee numbers higher, so that they can keep masks on,etc.
In my state, nurses are not allowed to falsify documentation. The Board of Nursing gets very upset about that.
That's my thought too.
Our son since he’s unvaxxed, every time he was in contact with someone who had covid, he had an automatic 5 days out regardless of symptoms. Luckily we all got sick over New Years and I reported it as covid. The school said he could return since the 5 days was up, they wouldn’t test him again since it would give a false positive & they wouldn’t send him home for contact with a covid case. It worked out really well.
My son is unvaxxed as well and I hope his classmates are.
His school is a pretty good one and he has learned a lot this year. He hasn't even brought black history month sheets or anything home, with having a black teacher and predominately black school.
I'm keeping an eye on it. The magnet schools here are among the best in the nation and I'm trying to get him into one.
Good grief! Homeschool.