As one of the skeptics here I am a little dumbfounded. An account with this name created before POTUS and his CEO while it was still in testing (allegedly) is so weird, combined with so much other stuff the past while
I mean, weird in the sense of "that's absolutely something that makes you stop everything you planned to do and stare at it and discuss with your peers all night until you can't stay awake anymore"
That's the frequency my brain has been set to for about 23 years now... and no matter how many people I redpill... almost no one wants to truly discuss it. To truly discuss it's massive impact. I've tried having conversations like that and people just tune out. Even some of the brightest, get hung up on trivial nonsense.
Even pre-Q, very similar deep conversations around very difficult questions: "What if 9/11 was an inside job? Explain Building 7..." + Vegas + Wars + Financial Elite + Pizzagate + Wikileaks + Political Corruption... I mean, the list just goes on forever. All of these things existed separately from Q. All of them are shady AF and raise tons and tons of questions.
It would make sense that these questions are all being suppressed by the same overarching powers/influences as one another. And* that there is a reason to hide them all.
The sheer complexity of the possibility that this was somehow all planned in advance. And how the fuck that is even possible...???
It's been twisting my brain in knots for these past few years. The only explanation is that there is truly some kind of underlying technology or something crazy, that is allowing for specific predictions along a timeline. Meaning that time is linear and the white hats "hacked" it for viewing purposes... working backwards from the scenario that resulted in the least number of casualties and the optimal amount of exposure/transparency and accountability.
If true. 5D doesn't even begin to explain what has taken place over these past 7 years (publicly). The chess moves quite literally would need to be made using extremely advanced technology or* something/someone that can be used to bend space/time (astral projection type stuff)
Aug Tellez, YellowRoseForTexas will be your next journey. Watch The Gist of It by YRFT and then Aug Tellez video on The Gist of It. This projection reality and how deep it goes is being conceptualizer by Aug through his experiences.
It could be just master trolling of the Left. However, no matter what it is a designed White Hat account and they are using it to send messages.
Due to when it was created and how it is being pushed by Nunes we know it was made on purpose by the creators of Truth Social.
It is impossible for Black Hats to have made that account. We can rule them out 100% due to when it was made and how it is being pushed. White Hats want us to understand that.
I believe White Hats made sure that the account was created during the beta-testing and before Trump's account to ensure that we KNEW it was a legit White Account.
Whether it is the actual person or persons behind Q is a different matter. That we can't know or confirm at this point.
But we can confirm it is a legit White Hat account. And they are using it to send clear White Hat information.
Also importantly: It confirms absolutely their awareness of Q. Not just an off handed remark, "is that a bad thing?", but straight up acknowledgement. Trump will still probably not directly reference it though.
As one of the skeptics here I am a little dumbfounded. An account with this name created before POTUS and his CEO while it was still in testing (allegedly) is so weird, combined with so much other stuff the past while
I mean, it would indeed be weird if Q was just a LARP, but it's not. It shouldn't seem weird to you right now, you should feel a couple gears turning.
I mean, weird in the sense of "that's absolutely something that makes you stop everything you planned to do and stare at it and discuss with your peers all night until you can't stay awake anymore"
That's the frequency my brain has been set to for about 23 years now... and no matter how many people I redpill... almost no one wants to truly discuss it. To truly discuss it's massive impact. I've tried having conversations like that and people just tune out. Even some of the brightest, get hung up on trivial nonsense.
Even pre-Q, very similar deep conversations around very difficult questions: "What if 9/11 was an inside job? Explain Building 7..." + Vegas + Wars + Financial Elite + Pizzagate + Wikileaks + Political Corruption... I mean, the list just goes on forever. All of these things existed separately from Q. All of them are shady AF and raise tons and tons of questions.
It would make sense that these questions are all being suppressed by the same overarching powers/influences as one another. And* that there is a reason to hide them all.
The sheer complexity of the possibility that this was somehow all planned in advance. And how the fuck that is even possible...???
It's been twisting my brain in knots for these past few years. The only explanation is that there is truly some kind of underlying technology or something crazy, that is allowing for specific predictions along a timeline. Meaning that time is linear and the white hats "hacked" it for viewing purposes... working backwards from the scenario that resulted in the least number of casualties and the optimal amount of exposure/transparency and accountability.
If true. 5D doesn't even begin to explain what has taken place over these past 7 years (publicly). The chess moves quite literally would need to be made using extremely advanced technology or* something/someone that can be used to bend space/time (astral projection type stuff)
Aug Tellez, YellowRoseForTexas will be your next journey. Watch The Gist of It by YRFT and then Aug Tellez video on The Gist of It. This projection reality and how deep it goes is being conceptualizer by Aug through his experiences.
It could be just master trolling of the Left. However, no matter what it is a designed White Hat account and they are using it to send messages.
Due to when it was created and how it is being pushed by Nunes we know it was made on purpose by the creators of Truth Social.
It is impossible for Black Hats to have made that account. We can rule them out 100% due to when it was made and how it is being pushed. White Hats want us to understand that.
I believe White Hats made sure that the account was created during the beta-testing and before Trump's account to ensure that we KNEW it was a legit White Account.
Whether it is the actual person or persons behind Q is a different matter. That we can't know or confirm at this point.
But we can confirm it is a legit White Hat account. And they are using it to send clear White Hat information.
Also importantly: It confirms absolutely their awareness of Q. Not just an off handed remark, "is that a bad thing?", but straight up acknowledgement. Trump will still probably not directly reference it though.