Monsato and Ukraine, the Evil Empire vs the Breadbasket, you just knew it had to be.
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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Well since Bayer now owns Monsanto, I'm gonna go with Nope, no connection at all.
It just seems like both Monsanto and Big Pharma are responsible for a lot of bad chemicals in the world. Some taken as "medicine", others put on crops, and eventually eaten.
Another arm of the cabal in its destruction of humanity.
Goes back to Rockefeller
And they OWN all the rights to pretty much the entire water table in California... there's no reason for there to be a drought there.
I think it was Feinstein that made that deal, but I could wrong...
The water situation in CA, at least southern CA, dates back to the 20's, when all sorts of crooked deals were made, resulting in certain farmers getting a huge portion of the water diverted from Colorado River. The movie "Chinatown" is based on this. The farmers out there waste so much water! They just have open canals that flood the fields. If they used systems that didn't waste so much, there would be plenty for everyone (but we would probably be paying a lot more for all the CA grown produce)
They’ve changed their name so many times.
Back in the 70s they were Acrilan Monsanto. One of their major products Acrylic a chemical produced fabric was the latest thing.Now its in the majority of garments.
Somewhere in the company pre Bayer and post Bayer will be heavy chemical based R&D.
So you’re undecided then......