Probably but if your in Russa's shoes and you have been sanctioned stolen from attacked and fucked with for years and years for nothing you may very well be prepared to end the shit once and for all and really you couldn't blame them.i think it's more likley biden launches first since his people really want to cover up there crimes and end western civilization.
There are two little hobbits somewhere on their way to mordor.
"may the lord of the black land come forth!" - Putin probably
This is probably the best way I've ever heard to describe something like what's happening.
I feel like its so obvious. Remember dr. Frank saying the cyber symposium was really a distraction, and a honey trap.
Not to mention massive amounts of propaganda to make it seem more action is happening in the Ukraine than it really is.
Also Russia put heavy restrictions on crypto usage just a week or so ago. Did they know the SWIFT bans would happen?
Bait being thrown out right and left.
the pros were the ones that dropped the eight surgical bombs..
I'm sure they are talking about Nukes in terms of top secret information that can destroy a government.
Probably but if your in Russa's shoes and you have been sanctioned stolen from attacked and fucked with for years and years for nothing you may very well be prepared to end the shit once and for all and really you couldn't blame them.i think it's more likley biden launches first since his people really want to cover up there crimes and end western civilization.
Cerno is a turd
Good source I think.
He predicted the liberation of Ukraine. He said that only 1/10 of the Russian military might was being used.
Seems eerily coincidental this is all happening at the end of the plandemic. You know Putin was a Young Global Leader...