I when this movie came out, I remember Hollywood declared this movie as being highly "anti semantic" and were protesting against it strongly.
This never made much sense to me because.
This movie was not atypical to any other movie about the crucifixion of Christ. There had been many movies about the crucifixion of Christ showing Pharisees in a bad light prior to this. There were about 25 minutes of Jewish people treating Jesus cruelly. The rest of the movie was of the Romans brutalizing Christ.
I really doubt these white skinned secular Hollywood billionaires really feel any connection to these ancient Hebrews.
So what was the real reason for this outrage?
Every director and actor who makes it big is controlled. Some of them cut the strings and flip, when they do their character is assassinated and their career derailed. Mel cut his strings and continues to succeed. They HATE this.
My guess is it was a big budget film glorifying Christ. Can't have that if the studios are run by Luciferians
They hate and shudder at the name to which every man shall kneel...Jesus Christ.
Because it depicts the truth. That Jesus Christ died for our sins. And they can’t have that. They can’t have the world knowing that.
^Ding Ding Ding... We have a winner!^
He probably didn't let any bigwig jew executive get their hands on it and spin it or put in some globo-homo tripe.
That alone is enough to gain the ire of the globalists.
Yes, the movie Noah was a perfect example.
It was the first time Mel Gibson left the plantation and did exactly what he wanted. Look at all his movies before that...mainly a bunch of typical Hollywood action/thrillers. This was the first sign of him being awake in my opinion.
Don't forget "Conspiracy Theory" -- a great movie with top stars.
Love that movie!
They labeled it a bunch of things, including "torture porn". The real issue is that anyone who watches it ends up feeling a specific way towards what took place. That's what a good film and a good actor and director should do. A good film will move you and Hollywood didn't want any converts to Christianity in their quest to destroy society with their garbage. It's antithetical to their purpose. I've never been a religious person, but I actually watched it recently as it just kind of showed up in my Amazon queue as one of those films I had saved that I knew I should watch at some point. Since watching I feel changed on some level. It's brutal. And if it doesn't move you on some level there is something wrong with you. But again, that's why they had to demonize it.
It WAS NOT made in Hollywood! KEK
Was it that subtitle/line "His blood be upon us and on our children" that Mr. Gibson agreed to remove? (Or so I think. The second link implies it was still included).
As I recall, the ADL was foaming at the mouth about this film coming out, but they had no power over Gibson as he was working independently. It had a cost of about $30M and took in over $600M - all the wails and screeches only upped it's appeal.
I'm guessing some of the outrage was that certain people didn't want Mr. Gibson's viewpoints to gain any following.
Probably as simple as Christ getting recognition. The devil doesn't like it so he stirs up his little devil spirits which most of these Hollywood jackoffs host on a regular basis.
Because of scenes like this.
(((Hollywood))) wanted to torture and crucify Mel Gibson because he spoke the truth.