"Q as AI" is being pushed heavily here. We're getting a sticky every day saying Q is AI. Here is the opposing opinion of why Q is not AI.
Q says that everything posted has purpose, that nothing is random.
Q post #4833 (Nothing is random. Everything has meaning.) #2004 (Everything stated has meaning.) #1676 (Everything has meaning.) #1633 (Everything stated has meaning.) #1450 (Everything shown has meaning.) #900 (Everything has meaning.) #968 (Everything has meaning.) #886 (Everything has meaning.) #1732 (Everything stated has a purpose.) #797 (Everything has meaning or a purpose.) ... the list goes on, but I think the point is made.
Q explicitly does not want to be characterized as AI.
AI would not make spelling mistakes. Neither would military intelligence. The phrase "military precision" comes from just that, the military being precise. There is no way Q made so many spelling mistakes unless there was a reason. As Q said above, "everything has meaning or a purpose".
The purpose of Q making so many mistakes is to prove they are not AI. This is going to seem tedius, but I'm going to list many instances below where Q made human error. Tell me if this looks like AI making these posts:
On the move. Misspelled. Don't analyze.
Spelling error by mistake. On the move.
Not seeing an error now. Long night.
Spelling error by mistake. On the move.
Swap 'we' for 'you'. On the move.
Disregard any misspelling. On the move.
Insert 'info' between critical & from. On the move.
Country vs "county". Error made. Always on the move.
Disregard all spelling/other errors. On the move.
Disregard spelling error. On the move.
'STRIKE'. On the move. (replying to post where Q said SRIKE)
Correction. 'Squall.' On the move.
Correction 2. 'Your.' On the move - long night.
Error 'was' x2. On the move.
'War[e]fare' misspelling unintentional. On the move.
[ing] error. On the move.
Error made. Swap "of" w/ "in." Long day.
Correction: Could not have been taken post_2016. Think 2015. Long day.
There are more mistakes made by Q, but the point is made. The best artificial intelligence software available wouldn't be making spelling and other grammar mistakes.
Q made all the above easily searchable by including "On the move" or "long day". Both are human characteristics, computer software would not be "on the move" and computer software wouldn't be fatigued by a "long day".
I would also argue a military intelligence operation as important as Q would also not make spelling mistakes. The mistakes are intentional for the purpose of demonstrating that Q is NOT AI.
Q says who they are
The Q operation is characterized as people, less than 10 and only 3 non-military.
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.
Q expresses themselves as human beings with emotions
How was your easter Q?
We had a good laugh.
(The post was about Roseanne Barr's TV show).
At this point, I've made my point about Q not being AI. I'm not saying that Q doesn't use AI. I would venture to say military intelligence probably does use AI as one of many tools in their decision making process. But that's a far cry from saying Q IS AI.
But now, let's talk about the ramifications of promoting Q as AI in the Q community.
You are already programmed to hate AI
In the terminator movies, who is the villain? AI. There are many themes in society today depicting AI as dangerous. Elon Musk warned that AI can create an "Immortal Dictator". He warned "the development of superintelligence could result in a form of artificial intelligence that can govern the world".
All the algorithms that are currently censoring you, they are AI. The Chinese social credit system that they're currently trying to impose on the west is an example of AI.
You are already predisposed to reject AI because of the social programming you have received.
Therefore, presenting Q as AI is designed to have a chilling effect. Before, Q consisted of military intelligence patriots serving their country. These all have positive connotations, patriots = positive, military = positive. The psyop would be taking what you already know, trust and love (military patriots) and converting it into the uncanny valley. This "Q is AI" psyop literally dehumanizes Q, it devolves Q from what you love into what you're already socially programmed to hate -- impersonal, inhuman algorithms.
There is no benefit to promoting Q as AI
Above I list the dangers of promoting Q as AI. But what are the benefits?
I was never interested in following Q, but now that I've been convinced that Q is AI, I really want to know all there is about it. - Said no one, ever.
Even if this "Q is AI" push that is happening is successful and 100% of the people at GA suddenly accept that Q is AI, nothing changes. You are not one more step toward becoming free. It is quite literally a meaningless factoid. It only has potential for stirring concern, I fail to see how it could possibly stir excitement or enthusiasm.
Be honest, if you had to sit down in a vehicle and trust AI to drive you from point-A to point-B, you would probably crap yourself. It does not instil confidence, it does just the opposite.
Of course, all the above is my opinion and everyone is free to come to their own conclusions.
I will say this though. Q went out of their way to establish that they err and they are human. I think it is safe to say that Q disapproves being characterized as AI.
Excellent post.
I'll add this: people are disposed to distrust and fear AI (when in a position of power) not only because of propaganda and movies like Terminator, etc -- but because AI is hosted in machines, not flesh-and-blood, and thus lacks empathy.
AI may be programmed to act empathically, but it cannot FEEL empathy -- and empathy, along with other healthy, normal feelings are the guideposts to appropriate behavior. Do any of us believe programmed "empathy" can ever be 100% reliable?
Emotionally damaged people often behave badly because they are acting in response to old, repressed feeling and/or to anger at being hurt or mistreated (usually in infancy or childhood).
AI won't have old, repressed feelings to act out in the present, but they also won't have the human-appropriate guidance of healthy feelings and won't have any inherent reason to care about whether you, personally, live or die. "Caring" isn't a computer strong point.
When Jesus commanded his disciples to "love one another" He was not speaking of a programmed book of rules; He was telling His followers to do their best to FEEL the truth of human brotherhood.
No AI will ever be able to do THAT. Not today, and probably not ever.
My opinion; perhaps I'm wrong.
One of the guys who wrote that Q may be AI used the dumbest stock market example I've ever read. They love using that example because they don't know how the stock market works and it's just easier to assume that some future seeing AI is moving it. It also makes them feel smarter cause "AI".
There are two possibilities for Q-
Neither have any need to be AI to communicate or plan whatever all of this is/ends up being.
Why do you make it so complicated? Military insiders that were unwilling to see the world burn decided to take a stand!
These arguments are not very persuasive, to be honest. Moreover, what does it matter at the end of the day if Q is AI or not?
Some rebuttals:
Software is programmed with the intent of the programmer, it doesn't exhibit random behavior.
It would make spelling mistakes if it was programmed to.
We could just as easily take their statements to mean that the software works in collaboration with "less than 10 people."
Who's programming us to hate AI? Maybe they have bad intentions.
Gaaahhhh, this again? Who cares? Honestly...