The very first adverse effect on Pfizer's list on page 30 is '1p36 deletion syndrome'. What is that?
1p36 deletion syndrome is a disorder that typically causes severe intellectual disability. Most affected individuals do not speak, or speak only a few words. They may have temper tantrums, bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior problems.
******** 1p36 definition ********
******** The Pfizer link is covered in this thread ********
It must have happened before birth, you can't get microcephaly later. Or all those other developmental oddities. Was the mother pregnant when jabbed, or pregnant afterwards? That is, did the vaccine cause this chromosomal damage in a young fetus, early enough so the syndrome happened, or did a non-pregnant woman have her gametes damaged and then developed a defective baby?
Also, what happened to the anecdotes of high neonatal morbidity and mortality that came from, as I recall, Central America? They were somewhat dismissed as being too early in the vaccine rollout, but that doesn't mean they weren't test subjects, or the result of spike protein damage from actual infection.
The damage would be to eggs and sperm, that when conception occurs results in a baby with the genetic defect. We know the spike goes to the ovaries and tested so not a stretch at all. But sickening.
That was my thought too, but if the RNA can affect DNA, perhaps it could affect a blastula and result in a similar effect. Don't suppose anyone checked miscarriages for genetic aberrations.. It's always very sad to see a baby like that. Is this list of singular events? (Meaning only one instance noted.)
RNA always effects DNA. The relationship is direct and total. Question is is how it affects. DNA exists - RNA comes into the picture, subsequent DNA may replicate by trimming, resequencing, or otherwise directing the DNA. The only time it doesn’t if it’s inert / %100 inactive
Biological Study PROVES Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Permanently Alters Human DNA
I recall Wikileaks finding that the Satanic Reptiles want a population that is "uninformed and compliant". (STUPID & WEAK).
Could it be related to Zika? Anyone remember the babies born in South America after they released the genetically modified mosquitos? Babies were born with what seemed like these types of features.
I suspect Bill Gates was responsible for the Zika epidemic in Brazil 2015.
Bill Gates releases genetically modified mosquitos into South America, including Brazil.
Zika virus (ZIKV) infection spread rapidly within the Americas after originating from an outbreak in Brazil. In March 2015, autochthonous ZIKV was determined to be the causative agent of the exanthematic disease. In 2015, there were an estimated 440,000 - 1,300,000 Zika cases in Brazil. This led to pregnant women having deformed babies with Microcephaly (small heads and brains).
I suspect you are correct. I remember watching documentaries and reading articles about it. I also remember thinking, if they are capable of doing this what the hell else are these people capable of? I have never trusted that man or anyone associated with him.