Kate spade didnt kill herself.
Robin Williams didnt kill himself
David caradine didn't kill himself
Jean-luc brunell didnt kill himself
Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.
Feel free to purchase it. Considering Kate Spade's mysterious suicide, considering her brother in law was David Spade, I think the pizza purse is meant to be symbolic.
Stop it! Seriously!? These people have no problems shoving their symbolism in our face! 🙄😠 Sadly, most people have no clue what any of that means, they just think it’s an ugly purse that’s some kind of weird “artsy” thing. 🤦🏼♀️
Bennington, Cornell, Spade and Bourdain all died in the same manner - hung from a doorknob with a red scarf. As far as the significance? I'm looking for the answer too.
I was being a wise ass taking advantage of sauce being a pizza ingredient and sometimes costing extra....thanks for the details though!
Is the red scarf thing real?
And we wonder why normies can’t believe some of the stuff we find.
Working on explaining Ukraine president and Ukraine corruption to my 82 yo mom is a significant chore when she gets emails from people she knows with info about the president being a saint.
Yeah the red scarf 🧣 is real. Research it. I’ve been down the rabbit hole for almost 7 years now, but most of my life is related to all sorts of rabbit holes. At some point, you sip trying to explain and wait for the recently awakened to seek you out.
Isn’t it used when people are “suicided” as a signal to others to not “step out of line” like they were planning to or did? Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and other celebrities “hung themselves” with red scarves, I believe. Doesn’t a purple scarf have some type of significance as well, or did I dream that? 🤔
Based on the examples, yes. Cornell and Bennington were working on a child trafficking documentary. Bourdain made some pretty foul comments about HRC. Spade? No idea. Probably 501-3(c) related.
That's why I don't think when symbols are identified that it's always comms or someone showing an affiliation with the dark. So many people have no idea of the connections.
No one normal, that’s for sure! Even if I didn’t know what this symbolizes, I would NEVER want that purse, even if someone gave it to me! It’s that heinous! 😂
Reason Katherine Noel Valentine Brosnahan Spade "killed herself", like Epstein, same club.
Yep. I just thought this to be strange. Killary would probably like it.
HRC most likely has one, though Chelsea favors the upside down cross.
Just look at the vast number of "pizza" that surrounds you
expect faggots will talk about taco jewelry, trust your gut, pedos do not talk taco, walnut sauce... YES
What other type of food has this kind of fascination? None that I can see.
This really is suspicious. I mean, who would wear a necklace with a pizza slice on it or carry a pizza purse? Seriously.
The Noid?
I had to look that up.
It was a dumb reply. My brain hurts!
Thank you. I will definitely watch this.
Huma, Killary, Chrissy Tegan, and Ellen all had it on preorder.
"Gorilla cunt army" -Rush Limbaugh
Whoops, I mean:
"femi-nazi" -Rush Limbaugh
Kate spade didnt kill herself. Robin Williams didnt kill himself David caradine didn't kill himself Jean-luc brunell didnt kill himself Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.
Anthony Bourdine did not kill himself.
Anthony Bourdain didn't kill himself either. :(
fucking GROSS!!!! also crazy bc they killed her red scarf style right?
Yes they sure did.
I’m sure Chrissy Tiegan would buy it.
You know that pizza is a really popular food, right?
Yes I do. But in this instance I feel it is symbolism. What are you saying?
Sometimes it is just pizza. I am going to International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas later in March. This would be fun to have.
Feel free to purchase it. Considering Kate Spade's mysterious suicide, considering her brother in law was David Spade, I think the pizza purse is meant to be symbolic.
It comes w a red scarf.
Stop it! Seriously!? These people have no problems shoving their symbolism in our face! 🙄😠 Sadly, most people have no clue what any of that means, they just think it’s an ugly purse that’s some kind of weird “artsy” thing. 🤦🏼♀️
No, most don't. Do you you understand the importance of the red scarf?
Extra sauce? Does it cost extra?
Bennington, Cornell, Spade and Bourdain all died in the same manner - hung from a doorknob with a red scarf. As far as the significance? I'm looking for the answer too.
I was being a wise ass taking advantage of sauce being a pizza ingredient and sometimes costing extra....thanks for the details though!
Is the red scarf thing real?
And we wonder why normies can’t believe some of the stuff we find.
Working on explaining Ukraine president and Ukraine corruption to my 82 yo mom is a significant chore when she gets emails from people she knows with info about the president being a saint.
Yeah the red scarf 🧣 is real. Research it. I’ve been down the rabbit hole for almost 7 years now, but most of my life is related to all sorts of rabbit holes. At some point, you sip trying to explain and wait for the recently awakened to seek you out.
Isn’t it used when people are “suicided” as a signal to others to not “step out of line” like they were planning to or did? Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and other celebrities “hung themselves” with red scarves, I believe. Doesn’t a purple scarf have some type of significance as well, or did I dream that? 🤔
Based on the examples, yes. Cornell and Bennington were working on a child trafficking documentary. Bourdain made some pretty foul comments about HRC. Spade? No idea. Probably 501-3(c) related.
Katy Perry. But most normies have no idea what it means to this group.
I know.
That's why I don't think when symbols are identified that it's always comms or someone showing an affiliation with the dark. So many people have no idea of the connections.
Agree. But, in their belief system, might not the normies'/ignorants' use of it add "power" to what for which the symbolism stands?
I would not have thought "pizza" without a prompt.
Yes you saw that too , this spring we are embracing the butterflies,, unbelievable !
first thing i thought when i saw it.
Me too , it's just unbelievable how blatant they are , and the majority of the world has no idea , it's frustrating and horrific .
Man, fuck these people.
No one normal, that’s for sure! Even if I didn’t know what this symbolizes, I would NEVER want that purse, even if someone gave it to me! It’s that heinous! 😂
Seriously, a very ugly purse.
and for $348!! hahahahaha
Domino's pizza pocketbook , probably tastes better
I cannot fathom paying that much for a handbag, let alone one that looks like that.
Do they sell red scarves for your doorknobs?
Fugly. In any dimension. Hard pass.
Yes I do remember that.