Interesting Take On The Sealed Book Of Daniel
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Good read.
I had always thought the "abomination that maketh desolate" was when the Antichrist was seated in the Temple. But that would mean the Temple would have to be rebuilt. This anon's translation makes more sense.
'A scorpion always tries it's hardest to sting you as you are crushing it'
Israel is a title given by God to Abraham, or one of his children, I cannot remember which. It is later changed to a title given by Christ Jesus to his followers. It is not a family by blood other than Christ's, it is not a land mass named after such, it's nations (peoples) do not have their own country or land and are scattered in the wilderness of the world.
Israel, the land mass "nation", has been wanting to rebuild the third temple for ever but have been waiting on "their" messiah which would be an antichrist, their are a lot more than one and anyone that refuses Christ Jesus would be considered an antichrist. Jesus said so himself. If God had removed them from the promised land as punishment then reentry would require repentance to God, it will not be by the act or acts of man.
Israel was created as a nation state to confuse Christians, by their fellow man, into helping them build as they currently are and has been a monumental lie hoisted onto the people of the planet.
The temple was moved into the hearts of man, rather the temple was always there and man found a way to convince his fellows that he had to be paid to talk to God. Jesus is the great mediator in this that we no longer require man to intervene with God for us but that we have our own direct link to the Father above.
Everything that has happened to the "jews" has been because they continually turn their backs from God and worship idols in his place.
The land mass Israel is a lie.
I agree completely. It amazes me that people have fallen for just create a country, call it Israel and make people believe it is the land of the prophecy.
Well, it's interesting.
But there's one huge problem. At least one.
Here it is:
The logic relies on two premises:
That we have an accurate knowledge of the current date; I'm not so sure we do. Isn't there a thousand years that has gone missing? I am not saying this is the case -- just that we have to figure it into our calculations somehow.
That the different state actors are operating independently. They are NOT. The Rothschilds own Israel and are more than happy to fund both sides to make it appear that there is conflict.
Is it hard to imagine the Roths lying about the year we're in just to keep us in perpetual conflict?
I prefer to believe that the temple we build is the one in our hearts. We'll build that structure when the love of Christ reigns openly and reaches critical mass.
It won't be dependent on physical structures. It will be an energetic superstructure that will knock out whatever hate grids they try to build.
That said, it could easily happen in 2023. Just a bit differently than we imagine.
Great points.
Very interesting and it definitely shows we are in the end times. I always put the truth of the scripture before everything in the world and I have to say there are so many differing angles and views that it could get very confusing. This was just a good exegetical by article on Daniel 12 that pretty clearly lays out some Biblical truth.
Interesting, I like the facts presented but not the speculation of the future re Armageddon etc.
Now do one showing how the creation of the state of Israel actually fulfills the prophesied invasion by Gog and Magog...
I would take issue with what the writer says about the Yom Kippur and 6 Day Wars, neither of these were defensive wars, both of them were large scale offensive unprovoked strikes on peaceful nations.