About 6 months ago there was a news program on about oil and one of the Forbes brothers was the guest. And the host said to Forbes 'I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground?' Forbes did not miss a beat he said 'MORE THAN ALL THE MIDDLE EAST PUT TOGETHER'. The U.S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew was coming out, but man was it big. It was a revised report (that hadn't been updated since 1995) of how much oil was in this area of western 2/3 western North Dakota, and western South Dakota and extreme eastern Montana: Check this out: The Bakken is the largest oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe Bay and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence upon foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if only 10% of the oil is recoverable, 5 billion barrels, at $107 per barrel we are looking at a resource base worth 5.3 trillion. 'When I first briefed the legislators on this you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. "They had no idea" says Terry Johnson, Montana's legislator's financial analyzer. This sizeable find is now the highest producing on shore oil field found in the past 56 years' reports the Pittsburg Post Gazette. It's an information known as the Williston Basin but is more commonly referred to as the Bakken. It stretches from Northern Montana thru North Dakota and into Canada. For years the U.S. Oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological break-through has opened up Bakken's massive reserves, and we know have access to 500 billion barrels. And because this is Light, Sweet Oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL! That is enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 straight years. And if that didn't throw you on the floor then this next one should because it is from 2006. U.S. Oil discovery - LARGEST RESERVE IN THE WORLD STANSBURY REPORT online - 4/20/2006. Hidden, 1000 feet below the Rocky Mountains lies the LARGEST UNTAPPED OIL RESERVE in the world. It is more than TWO TRILLION BARRELS. On August 8, 2005, president bush mandated it's extraction. In many recent years of high oil prices NONE has been extracted. With this mother load of oil why are we still fighting over off shore drilling? They reported this stunning news: We have more oil within our borders than all other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates: 8 times as much as Saudi Arabia 18 times as much as Iraq 21 times as much as Kuwait 22 times as much as Iran 500 times as much as Yemen How can this be? How can we not be extracting this?! Because environmentalists have been used along with other groups to block ALL EFFORTS of America becoming oil independent! AGAIN, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and economy. WHY? James Bartis, lead research with the study says we've got more oil in this compact area than all of the middle east, more than 2 trillion untapped barrels. 'That is more than all the proven oil reserves of crude today in the world' reports the Denver Post. Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price even with this find?! Think again. It's all about the competitive market place, it has too. Think 'OPEC' might be funding the environmentalists? Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it do this, pass it along. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices, because when you have done nothing to help— you forfeit your right to complain.
Comments (38)
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Wow Good Job! Maybe everybody else knew, but not me! Thank you so much. Always looking to learn something new and to share.
Also, most people don't realize how difficult, expensive and "messy" it is to extract, transport and refine heavy crude like what Venezuela has. The next time a left-winger complains about the environmental impact of oil production, show them what it takes to bring Venezuelan heavy crude to market.
Right, and ours is Sweet Crude, meaning it is light in comparison...
But the Greedy will do everything they can to Fleece everyone....
I think Trump knew about all of this while in office...
It’s not just oil. I remember reading that Alaska is an unbelievable resource for metals and rare earth metals. Trillions upon trillions of dollars. We could put China’s rare earth minerals out of business if we were allowed to get it
Right, but is it going to be more of the same Child Labor like Africa, or will it be Men paid decent hourly compensation???
Africa wants to know, do you want to know More??
For years we knew to use cheap foreign oil and preserve our reserves. Then the petro dollar, no more cheap fuel.
I always figured it was something like that.....
Still don't like that way of thinking....
Yes Please......
Beyond that, there’s a ton of oil offshore. My fathers an engineer, is Louisiana was to succeed and not have to pay federal taxes, we’d be the richest country in the world. We use to import before the fracking bc we didn’t want to use all of our natural resources. Now that all the other on shore oil has been “discovered”, we have more than enough to supply ourselves. It’s a typical scam
I read about a HUGE oil reserve in the Gulf of Mexico. Can’t remember the details but similar to the above.
I've always thought so....
It seemed to be somehow broadcasted in the News Papers we received in m tiny Village when I was a Tenn, and nearly no-one that read the same article, would come to the same conclusion as me.....
Maybe, they have been playing with our Language at the same time......
At this point, it looks to me like almost any scenario is possible.....
Ive commented on the oil shales in the Rockies several times in the last couple weeks with links if youd like to check my history.
Two trillion barrels is more than all the worlds proven reserves AND every drop of oil ever used combined.
For perspective, Saudi has about 290 billion barrels, Venezuela has about 500 billion and Russia has about 80 billion.
In my opinion this also puts a big question mark on the abiotic theories of oil creation. During whats always been taught as the major oil and coal forming era, the Carboniferous, the Rockies were under a shallow, swampy sea with atmospheric CO2 levels nearly 5 times what it is today. Perfect plant growing conditions. And perfect conditions for forming oil according to the classical theories of oil formation.
Well, I agree, they are all good THEORIES, but the Science is yet to be settled, just like the Big Bang, and Coofeed, is it the Flu or the Common Cod, or both???
And then Mr. Anthony ""The Science"" goes missing.....
Wow, where would we be without LIARS, FOOLS and Thieves, to misguide us, right????
There are definitely pros and cons to both theories as well as intuitive concerns for each. My comment may seem like it but I am not advocating for either theory. Its just one of the big questions I have concerning the abiotic theory.
Maybe one day, soon we here are all hoping, we can put away the lies and live life according to the truth of the matter for the good of all humanity instead of just the connected few. Its a big club and I am definitely not in it.
Well, although it seems we like in a finite world, i is filled with abundance....
No, there is not enough Gold to give everyone a Gold Car, but everyone could have a Gold Plated Car, and there is a difference....
whereas, the Greedy will want nothing less than Everything being made of Pure gold but only for them....
And again, there is the difference.....
this should be old news to anyone in our movement. long before Q, before Alex Jones, even before Bill Cooper (1991 Behold a Pale Horse)....
Pastor Lindsay Williams was calling out the vast US oil reserves -- and elite plans to exploit it for their benefit only -- since the mid-1980s when he was doing talks on the "Energy Non-Crisis."
he was selling videos of his 'special-access' knowledge from his 'elite' friend for decades. a bit snake-oil maybe, but the energy info checks out.
not sure if he's still alive. his website still active though: https://www.lindseywilliams.net/lindsey-williams-the-energy-non-crisis-call-to-decision-presentation/
A little context is probably important. There are different flavors of fossil fuels. It doesn't just come out a smooth crude oil. Think back to your chemistry classes. You learned about methane (CH4), ethane (CH3-CH3), propane (C3H8), butane, etc. They're long carbon chains. Get up to about 8 carbons and they're gasses. Get up to somewhere in the 30s or 40s on the chain and they're liquid at room temperature. Higher and they're waxy and solid. Coal's one of these.
Nature's not a chemistry set, so nothing is pure. You get mixtures of this stuff, plus various other molecules any time you pull this stuff out of the ground.
For historical reasons, we learned how to turn crude oil into octane (gasoline) among other things. Rockefeller basically did a really large scale fractional distillation, and we still do that today, and separate out the various components. There's less of that still around.
What there is is a TON of the gaseous stuff that gets frozen and turned into liquid natural gas (LNG). In fact, there are huge reserves of coal too, though we don't mess with it because it has too much sulfur in it, and sulfites in the air are a major pollution issue.
The point being that for decades, we've been hearing about "peak oil." That refers to the easily extractable liquid stuff that we've been using since Rockefeller first started pumping it and selling it as kerosene. But none of those estimates ever included the full scope of what's available in the ground because it was either not possible to extract it at the time or impractical to extract for financial reasons. Fracking changed everything, and now, we're looking at a totally different world regarding fossil fuels - if we're smart enough to use it. We have the technology now to be totally energy independent for well over a century, and we're far from the only place on the planet sitting on such reserves. The Carboniferous era was generous.
And as you said, there are political elements that aren't interested in everyone winning, so we get what Joey "Bribes" is doing, driven by the climate cultists.
That..... Is some serious Filtering....
Most Sulfides will settle in time, but some remain suspended,,,,,
Those that do, have to be filtered....
it's in the microns, and very difficult to do without some spinning chambers tech....
Yeah, the reality of it all comes down to which industry wants/needs to make more money for its investors, and which specific technology they are willing to sacrifice or hide or lock down in order to keep it hidden from the public.....
It always comes down to that one point..... It comes down to Greed, and sabotage....
The greedier they get, the more they sabotage.... The more sabotage, the less choices we get....
And then they activate their ""Environmentalists"" that are in fact nothing more than filthy people who couldn't careless about the Environment, never research, and refuse to comprehend anything of any import....
They ""Occupy"" and area, trash it, and then leave, and the garbage they leave has to be cleaned up by others.....
I hate Greedy people who are already too rich for their own good.....
It makes no sense, it's like some illiterate clown, who buys up all the books so nobody else can read them,,,,,
Why? He is Illiterate, why stack books???
It's the "U.S. Geological Survey". Now I'm questioning the rest.
The USGS has been a very apolitical agenda historically. As long as the politicians stay out of it, a lot of their data is quite reliable.
They've drunk the "climate change" coolaide big time! But since they are a Federal agency, it's to be expected. I don't mind studies of "climate change". What I can't stand is the assumption, without the data to back it up, that "climate change" is caused by man's CO2 contributions.
Well, plant Growers, use Greenhouses to produce Foods across the Winter, and always ADD CO2, for better Plant growth......
So why does the U.S. Congress, always se CO2 as the ""Bad Guy"", when measuring some imaginary Planetary Climate Disaster???
It's another fake bullshit line of crap, and that's all it is.....
Yes, I thought that to, at first, but it has an Original Source, I'm sure that the Source is driven by Greed, so might be more credible....
I heard about this 20 or 30 years ago,it's no secret I learned it from my brother he has a masters in geophysics,and has processed a lot of data in that area.
Awesome, so we now might have a real source that can verif the info handed out by the surveyors...
probably why all the american big money is so confident in screwing the world over in oil prices.
they can play games and fk with the supply & prices to profit. they'll use the massive reserves for themselves or to really push prices down momentarily for a quick buck
literally free money for them if this is true
Oh, that's a good look into their greedy minds......