I'm like #960K on the waitlist and the "refresh" button doesn't work so my waitlist number never goes down either. We'll be pushing daisies before we ever get in. :-(
yeah i'm around your number too. Crazy this wait list is it really that in capable of handling network traffic. Or are they doing a kind of background check on you? lol and I saw this because I wanted to make a facebook again to sell things on their market place and it knew all my cell number somehow and said i couldnt make an account
Dang, I WISH they'd vet me for Truth Social from my phone # or my email addy since both are tied to 7 years of donating to Trump, attending multiple Trump rallies, completing all of Trump's campaign surveys, voting for him in both elections, and buying his merch, etc.
If they were vetting people per their emails and/or phone numbers, then you'd think someone like me would have gotten moved UP the waitlist, but that clearly hasn't happened. :-(
I just got in too! I was #136,708
I just checked the Q page, there’s some strange posts and a braille looking message on his cover photo but haven’t seen anything here on it yet.
🥳 Congrats!
I got an update on March 3rd that said absolutely nothing.
‘Getting on TS’ is like ‘getting covid’. Everyone wants to claim they’re in the club.
I'm around 850,000. I'll never get in.
I'm like #960K on the waitlist and the "refresh" button doesn't work so my waitlist number never goes down either. We'll be pushing daisies before we ever get in. :-(
Oh yeah? Well I’ll be an x-parrot before I get in!
yeah i'm around your number too. Crazy this wait list is it really that in capable of handling network traffic. Or are they doing a kind of background check on you? lol and I saw this because I wanted to make a facebook again to sell things on their market place and it knew all my cell number somehow and said i couldnt make an account
Dang, I WISH they'd vet me for Truth Social from my phone # or my email addy since both are tied to 7 years of donating to Trump, attending multiple Trump rallies, completing all of Trump's campaign surveys, voting for him in both elections, and buying his merch, etc.
If they were vetting people per their emails and/or phone numbers, then you'd think someone like me would have gotten moved UP the waitlist, but that clearly hasn't happened. :-(
I just got in too! I was #136,708 I just checked the Q page, there’s some strange posts and a braille looking message on his cover photo but haven’t seen anything here on it yet.
Man! I’m 105,638 and still waiting! WTF?
I’m 629k. Do I need to go to the back alley?
You need a hot chick on your arm and a C-note in your palm...
Its morse code. It says Omnipotent Together.
Every time I see one of these posts.... refresh refresh refresh... *sad me....
In too. Is it customary for strangers to keep following me? I never did Twitter.
Just got in this morning #138,799. Signed up at like 3AM. It is good, worth your patience.
Who's next to JFK?
Looks like Biden. Lol