They at least took the time to give me credit, while simultaneously smearing me, and labeling me “Qanon” “conspiracy theory” and “far right”. Let’s look at how this article is completely asinine.
-I have never once quoted Q or referenced a drop. All the information came from the US Embassy, the UN, and a Newsweek article.
-What about my discovery is theory? Our State Dept confirmed it, I have all of the official supported documentation from the US Embassy and our Biological Thread Reduction Program, and the UN Security Council just held an emergency meeting to assess the situation. Which resulted in Russia, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, and Gabon; representing 3.2 BILLION people, asked for an investigation into the US breaching of Article 1 of the Biological Weapons Convention. It was all on video. We saw the whole thing. THATS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY 😂
-How is this “Russian Disinformation?”. I didn’t get it from Russia, I got it from the US Embassy page. You idiots can’t slap this word onto things you don’t want us to talk about. That’s not how it works.
-I’m also a Libertarian. I am not “far right”. I’m a registered Independent. All I want is as little government as possible, the upholding of the Constitution, for everyone to leave me the hell alone, and to not be subject to biological warfare from my own government or any other government. Not sure how that makes me “far right”.
So sure NBC; keep defaming me, smearing me, spreading disinformation, and writing about me without permission or reaching out for comment. I’ll add your happy asses to the list of people who will owe me lots and lots of money when all the dust settles. I’ll be cashing that Nick Sandman sized check from you all soon enough.
P.S. your tears are DELICIOUS 😘
Over the target. #winning
Although this looks silly to us, what they want to achieve is to declare open season on anybody that does not support the Ukraine is innocent, Putin bad, narrative.
If you even peep anything that sounds like: sympathy with people from Lugansk, or that real Nazis are doing it ....Shaddap Bigot.
However, if they can then marginalise you via determination of how you stand for Ukraine, or if your FB profile does not diplay the cerulean and gold, then you deserve to die.
The only way to fight back is to be loud and vocal. As long as that is happening, they have not won. As soon as we fall silent, then the murdering starts.
The last post I put on Facebook a week or so ago was #FuckUkraine
You're my best friend forever for doing that!
This is malicious defamation and JR should sue.
Of all the false labeling and mis-information MSM loves to dabble in, calling people "far right" is the most aggravating to me!
Is Victoria Nuland a russian, who admitted to Rubio (under oath .. which used to mean something) that the labs are real?
Is the US embassy in ukraine all run by russians, who had mention of the facilities listed there for.. over a decade? Was it the russians who ordered the details erased from the embassy's own website.. maybe to incriminate them in a coverup? Who ordered this?
The pentagon of all people says that the labs were 'biodefense' not 'biological' labs. I wonder what the 'bio' prefix means in the context of biodefense? Maybe Milleys real name is Milliskovski and he was trained by the GRU?
Lastly, why are there photos of Obama in Ukraine at the opening of the labs.. is HE a russian as well? And news stories, and reports and archives all over the entire internet. All russians?
The 'putin is a liar' rhetoric is a find/replace against the exact bot script spam that previously blasted out 'trump is a racist'
They are sticking to their pre-arranged plan of attack even though deleting all of the proof from the US Embassy backfired because Anons rushed to archive all that first. We beat them and they can't deal with the damage this caused their fake narrative. They can't change course or adjust. That tells me that the MessLSD muppets are simply not in charge.
They don't like the term biolab. What do they want ppl to call them??
Hey, stop with the logic. It's not their thing.
JR's words literally have music!