677 Russian Embassies worldwide are sharing this...🤯👀 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Mukzn (context) 2 years ago by Mukzn +677 / -0 69 comments download share 69 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
6 millions = The Russians are hunting Nazis!
That IS the CBC... kek
...actually this is the usa Khazarian Mafia
Birds of a feather eat kids together.
That would double it.
they cant have ,..would have been alot higher,...kek
Yeah, million has 6 zeros, so it's 66 = Nazi.
I saw these three ex-presidents today with the caption that they were responsible for double that number of deaths. Wish I could remember where I saw that
The Russians should be hunting the Bolcheviks.