I’m also the only unvaccinated person in my office. I don’t do anything to handle anything, because those people telling you that are full of shit. They’re just feeling/seeing what they want to feel/see.
Nope, some injected people leak. Know a family with an immunocompromised member who all got VERY sick from the babysitter, who hadn't told them she'd gotten injected. Their case is special, they isolate and trace everything and everyone.
Also Pfizer's own documentation showed that the nurses and other personnel suffered adverse effects just from interviewing the injected.
I take 2 mg HCQ with zinc once every Sunday (for prevention) and take 12 mg IVM (the prescribed dosage for my weight) for at least 3 days if I feel any head or chest cold symptoms appearing. They always disappear easily with IVM.
Of course, taking Vit D, VIt C, and zinc daily, and getting enough sleep is helpful, too. It all comes down to our immune function.
Apple cider viniger, with healthy ingredients added, fermented for 4 weeks, then pressed for the liquid. Any search engine will give direction on how to make it at home. I was already taking Apple cider vinegar, so making a tonic just adds to it, we've been doing it together as a date for two years now.
People tell me they feel sick if they hang around vaccinated people, how do you handle it?
I’m also the only unvaccinated person in my office. I don’t do anything to handle anything, because those people telling you that are full of shit. They’re just feeling/seeing what they want to feel/see.
Nope, some injected people leak. Know a family with an immunocompromised member who all got VERY sick from the babysitter, who hadn't told them she'd gotten injected. Their case is special, they isolate and trace everything and everyone.
Also Pfizer's own documentation showed that the nurses and other personnel suffered adverse effects just from interviewing the injected.
I take 2 mg HCQ with zinc once every Sunday (for prevention) and take 12 mg IVM (the prescribed dosage for my weight) for at least 3 days if I feel any head or chest cold symptoms appearing. They always disappear easily with IVM.
Of course, taking Vit D, VIt C, and zinc daily, and getting enough sleep is helpful, too. It all comes down to our immune function.
The wife and me make Fire Tonic, I take a shot and a half with my daily vitamins.
For the curious...because someone will ask.....https://www.google.com/search?q=Fire+Tonic&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS875US875&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Sounds like a date. Keeps the relationship good? 😃
What is fire tonic?
Apple cider viniger, with healthy ingredients added, fermented for 4 weeks, then pressed for the liquid. Any search engine will give direction on how to make it at home. I was already taking Apple cider vinegar, so making a tonic just adds to it, we've been doing it together as a date for two years now.
I handle it like I've handled my entire life. Normally. I don't wear a mask, I don't try to stay distanced. I live life and work completely normally.