This preempts any Durham report which will force Durham to include everything.
If Durham was going to delay, delay, delay, this puts the entire spygate front and center.
Being in front of a Florida Federal Judge is WAY better than anyone in DC.
Every single person listed, and this includes every municipality, media, federal government division, EVERYONE, is now put into a defensive position to the extreme.
Rats are going to jump ship, just wait.
This shit is going down hard and it's going to be glorious!
Trump will be back front and center as he is the sole Plaintiff. The hammer is coming and it will come so hard.
This definitely feels like a MAJOR turning point in the road right now.
You can't slander someone over and over especially when what the slanderers did was criminal, as well. It was detrimental to PDJT and our country. It should never happen again.
Discovery, and their attempts to thwart & delay, will be interesting to say the least. These cases (and there will be many) may alter the definition of the relationship between an attorney and their client, aka attorney-client privilege, and the ability to use an attorney, a law firm, or a series of law firms and consultants to circumvent law that an individual (or client) would be held to account.
Boy, who just took control of the narrative, huh? COVID, then it's gone. Ukraine, then it's gone. Trump "making suing great again" (got that from another post) dominates.
This is so HUGE for multiple reasons.
This shit is going down hard and it's going to be glorious!
Trump will be back front and center as he is the sole Plaintiff. The hammer is coming and it will come so hard.
This definitely feels like a MAJOR turning point in the road right now.
It also establishes character (as if we didn't know from watergate, whitewater, Bengazi..., trend, and motive for a 2020 election suit.
as the dems have shown you don't have to be found guilty, but just being named in a suit can create years of scrutiny..
Yet another reason he has business operations in the glorious free state of Florida?
This is more wishful thinking and telling yourself what you want to believe. Let’s say trump wins; so what?
This doesn’t change anything
We need to let the military do it’s job
There is no reason why both can't happen. This is civil the other, military, is criminal.
So what happens when trump wins this case?
Red Tsunami on a solar-system scale.
DISCOVERY will be a M'Fr
Why do you say that?
Also this case seems stupid; trump won in 2016. The opposing candidate (Clinton) has the right to say whatver they want
You can't slander someone over and over especially when what the slanderers did was criminal, as well. It was detrimental to PDJT and our country. It should never happen again.
You can absolutely say whatever you want in an election
Journalists Brian Cates and Traccy Beanz are gonna disect the shit outta this! See their Telegram channels for updates.
Brian Cates
Tracy Beanz
Discovery, and their attempts to thwart & delay, will be interesting to say the least. These cases (and there will be many) may alter the definition of the relationship between an attorney and their client, aka attorney-client privilege, and the ability to use an attorney, a law firm, or a series of law firms and consultants to circumvent law that an individual (or client) would be held to account.
I do not EVEN MIND the duplicate posts on Trump suing The Assholes.
What will the penalty be when 45 wins this one?
Boy, who just took control of the narrative, huh? COVID, then it's gone. Ukraine, then it's gone. Trump "making suing great again" (got that from another post) dominates.