I did not vaccinate my kids in the 80's but I have 2 grandkids that are "vaxxed to the max" per their nurse practitioner mother and it breaks my heart to see 2 precious young children being virtually destroyed with these vaxxes. She even gave the 8 month old a flu vax. He has had RSV four times, is developmentally delayed, has been under the care of a cardiologist, has extreme allergies and his extremities turn white, purple or red frequently, and he has a wet cough constantly. And he is not even one yet. The older one had a runny nose for 2 years. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life and no matter what I say or do she knows all and trusts her doctors, big pharma, the CDC, the AMA and the government to help her raise her children. I just can't express how heartbreaking this all is.
I was a nurse for 48 years (graduated in 1973) and I too trusted Big Pharma-vaccines, pediatricians/doctors, hospitals and the FDA for 43 of those years. Even after a personal injury after the hepatitis B vaccine, I didn’t believe it was totally the hepatitis B shot. Sometimes it takes some of us longer to wake up due to long held beliefs, balancing job demands, home and family. I discounted too a lot of what my mother said. Try not to be to harsh on her. Maybe showing her the number of vaccines given before the 1980’s compared to present day will help her see the light. GreatAwakeningWin showed a chart about vaccines a few weeks back. Print out the chart and give it to her.
Big pHARMA is poisoning our children, one shot at a time. That was the title posted 9 days ago. (pHARMA) spelled like that. Sorry I grew up in the 50’s so I am not very computer literate to cut and paste. I did save the article, so I could email it to you, if you can’t find it on the GreatAwakening site. That I know how to do!
I did not vaccinate my kids in the 80's but I have 2 grandkids that are "vaxxed to the max" per their nurse practitioner mother and it breaks my heart to see 2 precious young children being virtually destroyed with these vaxxes. She even gave the 8 month old a flu vax. He has had RSV four times, is developmentally delayed, has been under the care of a cardiologist, has extreme allergies and his extremities turn white, purple or red frequently, and he has a wet cough constantly. And he is not even one yet. The older one had a runny nose for 2 years. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life and no matter what I say or do she knows all and trusts her doctors, big pharma, the CDC, the AMA and the government to help her raise her children. I just can't express how heartbreaking this all is.
I was a nurse for 48 years (graduated in 1973) and I too trusted Big Pharma-vaccines, pediatricians/doctors, hospitals and the FDA for 43 of those years. Even after a personal injury after the hepatitis B vaccine, I didn’t believe it was totally the hepatitis B shot. Sometimes it takes some of us longer to wake up due to long held beliefs, balancing job demands, home and family. I discounted too a lot of what my mother said. Try not to be to harsh on her. Maybe showing her the number of vaccines given before the 1980’s compared to present day will help her see the light. GreatAwakeningWin showed a chart about vaccines a few weeks back. Print out the chart and give it to her.
Got the first round of hep-B for nursing school and got so sick I was almost kicked out for poor attendance.
I don’t recall that post. Can you link me to it or recall the title? Thanks!
Big pHARMA is poisoning our children, one shot at a time. That was the title posted 9 days ago. (pHARMA) spelled like that. Sorry I grew up in the 50’s so I am not very computer literate to cut and paste. I did save the article, so I could email it to you, if you can’t find it on the GreatAwakening site. That I know how to do!
If you look at this and still "trust your doctors" you are simply stupid. Sorry, but true.