Okay, Y’all that know me, know I have bullet proof faith in Christ our Lord. So after listening to this most recent and fantastic X22 Spotlight which includes a solid report on this Yuval Harari, I did some digging, not knowing much about him prior. And sure as shizzle, if anyone is Hitler reincarnated or our head Anti-Christ scumbag, it’s this Yuval Harari! He fits the bill to a T. And more in the FluffTube video below X22, as Foolish Ministries does a great job of connecting the clear dots in scripture of what the head Anti-Christ would be like. Yes there is supposed to be a few Anti-Christs before the main demon rears it’s head, like Schwab, Soros, Suckerburg, one of the Rothschilds amongst others. But this Yuval dude clearly fits the head scumbag bill. You must decide for yourself of course Anons, but this be my take.
Foolish Ministries https://youtu.be/4CwTxlx5Wd4
"History began when man invented God. History will end when men become gods."
More demonic words I have never heard in my life, and we were made to read this fucker's book in one of my college classes.
Yep...his ideology is pure satanism...you will be like God, knowing good and evil!
he is an IDF/MOS asset among other things.
I don't think that's the First time anyone has written that, I recall something almost exactly like that from the 8-s, but it didn't make the big MSM channels, no0r the Big News Papers.....