But the NWO is just a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY
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It seems memories are short on Yugoslavia/Bosnia/Serbia/Kosovo etc. 1992-95
Joe remembers:
I prefer to refer to them as the deep state when talking to normies. I don't miss a chance to point out that the inflations and shortages we are seeing are a result of them trying to bring their one world government to fruit. Sometimes you really need to push it their faces when you're dealing with people that can't seem to come up with 2 + 2 = 4.
And they claim math is racist
Not ready? Not interested! We are declining the offer!
They have been planting these seeds for a while so it enter the normies lexicon. And when that happens normies do not blink when the NWO is printed in their faces.
Ironically 20 years ago NWO was considered a fringe conspiracy theory but now? The concept has entered into the dialogue of nearly everyone I know.
Bush I announced it from his pulpit.
Way back when, I didn't trust Bush 1 - I didn't know why - but had an ugly feeling. Trusted W even less.
Now I know why. Makes me sick.
He gave me an antichrist type vibe but worse yet was Obummer whom my son in law was forced to meet and shake hands with as a new at the time fireman on Oso Fire Department when Oso slide happened. (Turns out the developer and county knowingly allowed building under a mountain they had full knowledge had already had five prior landslides, one being major. They knowingly built there and caused 56 deaths and hid their knowledge from the people). Murderers!!
"A one world government is a right wing conspiracy theory!"
Then... This.
It’s been emerging since the early 40’s and that just when they wanted us to see it.