It's all true.
I so wish it wasn't.
Masonic Halls stink of the devil.
The Masons are the rotten root connecting every city and town. Racine is a pure psyop meant to distract. The Jesters keep ever changing lists of the abusable. They can follow you wherever!
Talking out loud of Jesus Christ directly into their face is your only defense. It works every time or I absolutely would not be here alive and among you.
Praise the Lord. Praise Jesus.
Im a Mason at my local lodge and love Jesus as do many other at our lodge. All the Freemason stuff is just garbage. And i know everyone says “well youre just not high enough up” but im as high as you can go. I have not seen nor experienced anything that conflicts with my faith in Jesus Christ or seeks to undo it in fact quite the opposite.
I know ill be downvoted and called a liar or idiot but the truth is that Freemasonry hasnt really been a major influence on government or politics in the United States since colonial times. At this point lodges are closing because they dont have enough member just to pay their electric and gas bills.
There may be evil men who are freemasons but there are evil men who are members of many good organizations including churches. Anyway take it for whats its worth but i think the whole freemasonry angle is a red herring.
You read this shit above, know the info that is out there about free masonry and what its done to our children - then have the audacity to make your comment protecting the freemasons and your own affiliation. The free masons make me sick. Their existence is toxic. I will pray that if you do indeed know Christ, that you may find enlightenment. There is a reason so many people call out free masonry and its not because “its all bullshit.”
This is always the response...people whove read rumors, hoaxes, innuendo and falsehoods and assume they know everything about something and then insult someone who is a part of it who just trying to say “hey i dont think this organization the evil cabal people think it is based on my first hand experience.” Theres plenty of people who truly love Christ and are conservative Trump supporters within masonry. Its just not the worldwide conspiracy bent on getting money and power that people on the outside so desperately want it to be. And so when i see someone take the whole thing to the next level and claim sodomy is a part of it...thats when im like “ok this is some ridiculous bs”. I would never engage in that sort of behavior or allow that behavior to take place in ANY organization i belong to or in my life in general. Its just sickening to see people peddle this garbage.
Hi Godzilla. I gave you an upvote for speaking your mind from your own experience. My comments come also from my own experience back in the last century. There were men in the church and other organizations that did these things also, but the common link between them was always the Masons.
Thanks...and again i cant vouch for all mason everywhere, but i can say its not as cut and dry as all freemasons seek to spread evil and corrupt government and the country...i would say those you describe are the exception not the rule. Just my opinion. Thanks for respecting me and being civil.
As part of the rituals, aren't Freemasons required to make oaths?
The obligation of a first degree Freemason (Entered Apprentice degree):
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my solemn oath and obligation as an Entered Apprentice Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
The obligation of a second degree Freemason (Fellowcraft degree):
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given as a prey to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air as a prey.”
The obligation of a third degree Freemason (Master Mason degree):
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, so that no more trace or remembrance may be had of so vile and perjured a wretch as I, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my solemn obligation as a Master Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
There are oaths in nearly all organizations including college fraternities and sororities which i am confident there are many members of on this board. The interpretation of this verse by most Christian theologians is not that oaths are prohibited but that oaths that conflict with your faith should not be engaged in. Otherwise am i to assume that lawyers who take an oath to uphold the law, be ethical and defend the constitution and the constitution of their state are engaging in evil behavior? What about the military oaths? Public service oaths? Clearly oaths are not the issue here, it is oaths that conflict with your faith and duty to God. As a Christian, before i became a Mason i said a prayer and said “God if theres anything that goes against you or is evil, lead me out of this place”. I encountered nothing of the sort and as i stated prior, quite the opposite as ive had some really great Christian fellowship with other Masons.
Would you actually honor your oath to allow a fellow mason to sever your body in two and have your bowels taken and burned to ashes -- all for a social group? Is anything that this group is doing worth sacrificing your life for?
I seriously doubt that you would keep this oath -- and yet you have made it before God, himself. Do you truly believe in your heart that this oath pleases Him?
Far better to sacrifice your life carrying out the will of God, fren.
Something to consider: If what the Freemasons are doing is so good and wholesome, then why the need for so many secrets and so many horrendous penalties? It doesn't make any sense. Something good should be shared with all of the world. One does not hide a lamp under a bushel.
Consider that God will allow you into Heaven to be with him forever, and all that God asks of you is that you believe in his Son.
How can a group that purports to do good ask more of you than our loving God in Heaven?
The oaths that masons take are not literal and they never have been. Almost everything is allegorical. Thats kind of the issue with outsiders finding things and assuming it is what they think it is.
As far as secrets go, the whole point of the secrets isnt to keep them from people is to make people want to seek them out for themselves. Masons dont recruit for a reason. its because the whole point of masonry is that it is a personal and individual decision to go on a journey and ultimately work with others on their own journey to help make our communities better for it. So its not some mystery that mason just cant stand if it gets out, its for people to want to seek them. And in that regard the fraternity is open to all men unless they are a convicted felon or dont believe in God (and yes we have rejected atheists and satanists who have petitioned the lodge) and the resurrection of the soul. But its up to an individual to decide to take the journey or not.
I understand from the outside looking in with limited and often incorrect information, no context, innuendo and numerous hoaxes surrounding masonry you are incline to just say “Well i think its evil and youre just caught up in craziness” but its not what anyone thinks it is. In fact if people we able to get a glimpse of an average meeting theyd prob be bored to tears and questioning all the things they thought were true about it all. Anyway i appreciate your thoughtfulness. God bless
Which is also important to Kabbalists. They call it the "nut" and the story is told from that one bone God can recreate your entire body. This is why Jews do not typically do cremation altho that is changing. God can still recreate the body if that bone is destroyed but it is more difficult (so holocaust victims etc are still OK) but you are not supposed to WILLINGLY destroy it
Andy Dick in an interview with Norm Macdonald made an extremely brief reference to having a weird memory of being sodomized as a baby. I remember always being like what the fuck was that.
Reading this immediately made me remember what he said, possibly a victim of this.
I believe this refers to modern Masonry, not that of Washington's day- Saw a whole History Channel on the changes that were made to Masonry after a certain time. Masonry of Washington's time was not so closely aligned with the Illuminati, now they are practically one.
I'm actually trying acupuncture for the first time this Wednesday. I looked into it and feel it's worth trying.
Have had some successful deep meditations in the past but I haven't meditated properly in years. May have to try to hone in to my spirituality more this year, I got too sucked into booze and other bad habits that while very fun, really drain me for days and zap my ambitions and will to do things.
Reminds me of Disney's Club 33 I read about on GAW recently:
Bah thought Defunctland did an episode on club 33 but they did one for a party Walt threw for his employees and the Disneyland teen club Videopolis.
It's all true. I so wish it wasn't.
Masonic Halls stink of the devil.
The Masons are the rotten root connecting every city and town. Racine is a pure psyop meant to distract. The Jesters keep ever changing lists of the abusable. They can follow you wherever!
Talking out loud of Jesus Christ directly into their face is your only defense. It works every time or I absolutely would not be here alive and among you.
Praise the Lord. Praise Jesus.
Im a Mason at my local lodge and love Jesus as do many other at our lodge. All the Freemason stuff is just garbage. And i know everyone says “well youre just not high enough up” but im as high as you can go. I have not seen nor experienced anything that conflicts with my faith in Jesus Christ or seeks to undo it in fact quite the opposite.
I know ill be downvoted and called a liar or idiot but the truth is that Freemasonry hasnt really been a major influence on government or politics in the United States since colonial times. At this point lodges are closing because they dont have enough member just to pay their electric and gas bills.
There may be evil men who are freemasons but there are evil men who are members of many good organizations including churches. Anyway take it for whats its worth but i think the whole freemasonry angle is a red herring.
You read this shit above, know the info that is out there about free masonry and what its done to our children - then have the audacity to make your comment protecting the freemasons and your own affiliation. The free masons make me sick. Their existence is toxic. I will pray that if you do indeed know Christ, that you may find enlightenment. There is a reason so many people call out free masonry and its not because “its all bullshit.”
This is always the response...people whove read rumors, hoaxes, innuendo and falsehoods and assume they know everything about something and then insult someone who is a part of it who just trying to say “hey i dont think this organization the evil cabal people think it is based on my first hand experience.” Theres plenty of people who truly love Christ and are conservative Trump supporters within masonry. Its just not the worldwide conspiracy bent on getting money and power that people on the outside so desperately want it to be. And so when i see someone take the whole thing to the next level and claim sodomy is a part of it...thats when im like “ok this is some ridiculous bs”. I would never engage in that sort of behavior or allow that behavior to take place in ANY organization i belong to or in my life in general. Its just sickening to see people peddle this garbage.
Hi Godzilla. I gave you an upvote for speaking your mind from your own experience. My comments come also from my own experience back in the last century. There were men in the church and other organizations that did these things also, but the common link between them was always the Masons.
Thanks...and again i cant vouch for all mason everywhere, but i can say its not as cut and dry as all freemasons seek to spread evil and corrupt government and the country...i would say those you describe are the exception not the rule. Just my opinion. Thanks for respecting me and being civil.
As part of the rituals, aren't Freemasons required to make oaths?
The obligation of a first degree Freemason (Entered Apprentice degree):
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my solemn oath and obligation as an Entered Apprentice Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
The obligation of a second degree Freemason (Fellowcraft degree):
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given as a prey to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air as a prey.”
The obligation of a third degree Freemason (Master Mason degree):
“Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, so that no more trace or remembrance may be had of so vile and perjured a wretch as I, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my solemn obligation as a Master Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
Matthew 5:33-37
33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
There are oaths in nearly all organizations including college fraternities and sororities which i am confident there are many members of on this board. The interpretation of this verse by most Christian theologians is not that oaths are prohibited but that oaths that conflict with your faith should not be engaged in. Otherwise am i to assume that lawyers who take an oath to uphold the law, be ethical and defend the constitution and the constitution of their state are engaging in evil behavior? What about the military oaths? Public service oaths? Clearly oaths are not the issue here, it is oaths that conflict with your faith and duty to God. As a Christian, before i became a Mason i said a prayer and said “God if theres anything that goes against you or is evil, lead me out of this place”. I encountered nothing of the sort and as i stated prior, quite the opposite as ive had some really great Christian fellowship with other Masons.
Just one question, fren:
Would you actually honor your oath to allow a fellow mason to sever your body in two and have your bowels taken and burned to ashes -- all for a social group? Is anything that this group is doing worth sacrificing your life for?
I seriously doubt that you would keep this oath -- and yet you have made it before God, himself. Do you truly believe in your heart that this oath pleases Him?
Far better to sacrifice your life carrying out the will of God, fren.
Something to consider: If what the Freemasons are doing is so good and wholesome, then why the need for so many secrets and so many horrendous penalties? It doesn't make any sense. Something good should be shared with all of the world. One does not hide a lamp under a bushel.
Consider that God will allow you into Heaven to be with him forever, and all that God asks of you is that you believe in his Son.
How can a group that purports to do good ask more of you than our loving God in Heaven?
Peace be with you, fren.
The oaths that masons take are not literal and they never have been. Almost everything is allegorical. Thats kind of the issue with outsiders finding things and assuming it is what they think it is.
As far as secrets go, the whole point of the secrets isnt to keep them from people is to make people want to seek them out for themselves. Masons dont recruit for a reason. its because the whole point of masonry is that it is a personal and individual decision to go on a journey and ultimately work with others on their own journey to help make our communities better for it. So its not some mystery that mason just cant stand if it gets out, its for people to want to seek them. And in that regard the fraternity is open to all men unless they are a convicted felon or dont believe in God (and yes we have rejected atheists and satanists who have petitioned the lodge) and the resurrection of the soul. But its up to an individual to decide to take the journey or not.
I understand from the outside looking in with limited and often incorrect information, no context, innuendo and numerous hoaxes surrounding masonry you are incline to just say “Well i think its evil and youre just caught up in craziness” but its not what anyone thinks it is. In fact if people we able to get a glimpse of an average meeting theyd prob be bored to tears and questioning all the things they thought were true about it all. Anyway i appreciate your thoughtfulness. God bless
Research the history of the Khazarian Mafia. Freemasons are full of them.
Which is also important to Kabbalists. They call it the "nut" and the story is told from that one bone God can recreate your entire body. This is why Jews do not typically do cremation altho that is changing. God can still recreate the body if that bone is destroyed but it is more difficult (so holocaust victims etc are still OK) but you are not supposed to WILLINGLY destroy it
Vagus nerve is what is affected iirx
bradycardia can result
Andy Dick in an interview with Norm Macdonald made an extremely brief reference to having a weird memory of being sodomized as a baby. I remember always being like what the fuck was that.
Reading this immediately made me remember what he said, possibly a victim of this.
Man that would explain so much if you're familiar with his history + Phil Hartman tragedy.
I believe this refers to modern Masonry, not that of Washington's day- Saw a whole History Channel on the changes that were made to Masonry after a certain time. Masonry of Washington's time was not so closely aligned with the Illuminati, now they are practically one.
Washington and company had to meet in secret to discuss the plan.
You know how they lie? Or rather, mix lies with truth?
Well, they are right that the spinal column is the key to spiritual illumination.
But that you have to have something placed inside the anus to lead to illumination is the lie.
And THAT is why they destroy the base chakra (coccyx, perineum)!
To PREVENT people from having kundalini awakenings and seeing God.
They blow out the base chakra. Make it leak (energetically) forever.
So don't be afraid of awakening. It will happen naturally if you keep your body's electrical circuits open.
You do not need a thing stuck up there.
I'm actually trying acupuncture for the first time this Wednesday. I looked into it and feel it's worth trying.
Have had some successful deep meditations in the past but I haven't meditated properly in years. May have to try to hone in to my spirituality more this year, I got too sucked into booze and other bad habits that while very fun, really drain me for days and zap my ambitions and will to do things.