So I was asked to put this comment of mine from that incredible stickied post by u/DontTreadOnIT pertaining to assisting one's family, friends, co-workers, and other loved ones and acquaintances once the storm hits --- into a full-fledged post of its very own. So well, here goes nothing!
So well, here's the quick three step awakening assistance guide for anyone who wishes to truly do a stellar job at this shit. Consists of three simple keywords that you can memorize for ease of remembrance when the time comes. Calmdown. Console. And Clarify. So, and without any further ado, let's go start right away with the very first one!
NPCs usually have a mental / emotional stability quotient no different to that of animals. Take a look at dogs, or sheep. If you display great excitement in front of your dog, their tails begin to wag at warpspeed. Even though they have exactly zero clue as to just what they're even being excited about. Start raging in front of them, and they'll start mirroring exactly that. In much the same way, NPCs have little to no mind of their own --- just look how they emotionally get super-triggered by every other false flag or 'trigger word.' Once the storm hits full pace, they'll look up to YOU to guide their next steps. Steps that INCLUDE their respective emotional and mental reactions as well. They'll see what you are doing, and mirror your mental and emotional states accordingly.
YOU WILL, therefore, have to LEAD THEM ASHORE.
In short, if you're RADIATING the vibes of complete and total PEACE, Calmness, and STRENGTH --- then that EXACTLY is what THEY'LL feel compelled to do here as well. But if you yourself look panicky or angry or unstable, then they'll lose their shit too --- but oh so much worse.
STABILIZE YOURSELF FIRST and FOREMOST before doing absolutely ANYTHING else, and you've won more than half your battle in there ALREADY.
Betrayal hits HARD. For those of you who have experienced a heartbreak, a lover who cheated on you, or a friend or loved one who straight up backstabbed you, ya'll know exactly what I'm even talking about, here. And for these NPCs, it's so, so, SO. MUCH. WORSE.
They went to war against YOU to defend THESE very MONSTERS. They vaccinated themselves. Hell, they even vaccinated their own kids. And then, supported those very souls who were trying to openly slaughter them. People who do unspeakable things to kids, women, men, animals, nature, and all of humanity itself.
The revelations to come are going to tear them in HALF. Guilt and disenchantment (with the world, AND with their own SELVES and their supposed "intelligence") will likely lead them to mental breakdowns or even a complete and total mental / emotional collapse of sorts. Some may even turn suicidal.
PLEASE DO your LEVEL BEST to CONSOLE these ones and help them out through this shit. Please remember, these are just utterly brainwashed victims of the dreaded MKULTRA program who were simply UNABLE to break through like YOU could.
PLEASE be KIND. It is what GOD would expect of you.
Kindness. It is the very least you can do to help build a kinder world hereafter --- if not for you --- then for your beautiful children at least. PLEASE do consider this!
There's a TIME for lecturing and scolding. And then, there's a TIME when you all just hug it all out TOGETHER instead.
Scold and lecture them all you like (if your ego really needs such), once the initial shock-waves have passed and been dealt with. But perhaps, just perhaps, NOW just ISN'T the most ideal time to do so.
Please remember:
GOD awoke you EARLY for a REASON.
Yes, there's a big story --- but right now might not perhaps be the very best time to tell it all in full.
Skip the lengthy details. Give them a compact GIST of all of the most IMPORTANT things FIRST, for starters.
Keep things short, SIMPLE, and sweet. There's plenty of time to do the research and get into the full details (and rabbit holes etc.) and other stories laters. But NOW is a time for establishing mental and emotional STABILITY FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Give them some of the best (and easiest to grasp) research links if they really, REALLY ASK for such things most specifically. Else, let them grasp this shit at their OWN sweet pace, one small morsel at a time.
Treat the normies much like you'd treat CHILDREN because they truly ARE such. And I only wish I was joking here but I'm really not.
Ain't NO SUCH THING as reaching "adulthood" when you're an NPC.
What? There's a fourth C here too? Well yes, if you want it to(o).
Why celebrate? Because A, the revelations mean that humanity is, at long last, FREE. Because B, it will lighten up the mood and bring in joy. And C, because it will free them of the immense pressure of (potentially suicidal) levels of guilt, and give them some confidence at least that you're not mad at them beyond all redemption, and that you've truly, deeply, forgiven them as the Christed One would have you do. Remember, there are many who "know" the teachings. And yet, far, far, FAR FEWER FOLKS who can actually put them into actual PRACTICE when push comes to shove. (Hence "Enjoy the shove.")
And without the actual, practical, application of the same, merely parroting the said teachings is but an utterly meaningless endeavour.
What to make of this knowledge now is, well, YOUR CALL.
In the meantime, top it all off with a celebration.
You DESERVE ONE INDEED for even making it THIS FAR.
Calmdown. Console. Clarify. Celebrate.
Goes a long, LONG way towards building a better WORLD and an even better FUTURE for ONE and for ALL.
Enjoy the bonfires and barbecues.
Cheers! 🥂💕
Please do spread the word around too, if such is possible at all! :) :)
But!!! All I want to say is I told you so dumb fuck!!!
Whew. I feel better. For now.
Imagine what God would want to say to YOU. "I told you so, dumb fuck".? 😘
I tried to warn you. Not my fault you didn’t want to listen.
A terrific post! Nice work, and something that WILL be helpful for many, I am sure.