I'm not the one claiming to know one way or the other...
You can tell this is real just by looking at a screenshot? Impressive.
Thanks. This discussion might have been more productive if OP had included this link from jump, so people could better understand what they are looking at.
Mods are considering short bans for unsourced image posts like this, FYI
Yes, he may be a little harsh here but that is directed at the really retarded ones.
Anyone who wants the truth about Israel to be exposed should recognize that we have to follow real evidence. Confirmation bias is not the way.
"Alright, I didn’t want to have to address this, but you leave me no choice.
I am no fan of Israel, I’ve been very publicly opposed to Israel, but most of you Israel-obsessed people, are fucking retarded.
I am one of the people ACTUALLY reading through ALL of the JFK files. I skimmed the beginning pages, then jumped to the back and started working my way to the beginning, hoping that that I could cover more ground while most people are reading from the front.
This strategy worked by the way, and I was the first one who found the Operation Mongoose files about regime change, agricultural sabotage, and global media control, etc., that everyone is now talking about. That was me. You’re welcome.
The only reason I was able to find that, is because I’m actually reading the files looking at all the information, not just waiting for other people to post stuff on X, circling the only times Israel is mentioned, and then crying about the Jews.
Those of you asking why I haven’t mentioned Israel yet, that’s because I haven’t seen anything about Israel yet in the files. I am conducting my own investigation, starting back to front, and will make content about things that people have not found yet, or things that I find are pertinent. But trust me, I have seen the countless posts about Israeli intelligence mentioned, and the overwhelming majority of you who are obsessing about it are dramatically overstating Israel’s involvement, and drawing conclusions based on confirmation bias.
Those of you demanding how I make my content, will be blocked on sight. I have absolutely zero time for you people, and nobody dictates what I post or what I do.
There are PLENTY of accounts that talk about Israel all day long. If you are looking for that kind of content, go follow those people.
Is Israel corrupt? Absolutely. Do they try to influence on US politicians? Absolutely. Is Mossad a shady organization? Absolutely.
But you people demanding I talk about Israel/The Jews all day, are fucking retarded, and you are making a bad name for those of us who are objectively looking for the truth. 99% of you have no idea what you’re talking about, and are just looking for reasons to bash Israel, for which there are many, but you haven’t shown the propensity to think.
This is why a few weeks after October 7th, I just started staying out of the whole Israel thing. Because the overly pro-Israel people are retarded, and the overly anti-Israel people are also retarded. So I generally stay out of it unless it’s directly pertinent to the news cycle.
I am not Jewish, I am not paid or owned by Israel, and I am not covering anything up. I am religiously agnostic, nobody tells me what to post, and I have no loyalty to any entity other than The People.
Just search my posts for mention of “Israel” and you will see I have been nothing but suspect and unsupportive of Israel, I just don’t dedicate my life to talking about Israel all day.
Hope this clears it up for those of you who are confused. If not, I do not care, find the unfollow button."
I also found that comment interesting, as I thought the Bolshevik revolution was orchestrated by the cabal. Makes sense that [they] would play both sides though.
Protect yourself - control your emotions. Clickbait is noise. Focus on the signal, not the noise.
"Associate member" does not mean what people think it means.
Plans are allegedly in the works to make the USA the next "associate member" of the Commonwealth. The international association, which currently boasts 56 states, could welcome the US as a new member.
Please keep short posts to the daily chat sticky
He's an OG anon, total autist, with an encyclopedic knowledge of Q and the cabal. Military veteran also.
Well worth the 1.5 hours. Covers the creation of the American DS, JFK's attempt to destroy it, the people involved in his assassination, and ties it all in with today's events.
Unless I am mistaken the pic was proven to be fake. Perhaps Q's use of AI generated imagery was a hint about the coming deepfake wars, and how the cabal will claim real evidence against them is fake?
Why do so many influencers fixate on saying "JEWS" instead of calling out the Israeli government? Is it ignorance, truth, or is it deliberate misdirection? Could it be that the Israeli government isn’t exclusively made up of Jews, or is there a more calculated reason behind the conflation? Perhaps, just perhaps, they don’t want you to recognize the critical distinction between a government and its people.
Yes, exposing Israel’s deep entanglement and control over the U.S. government is an URGENT priority, but DO NOT be fooled into thinking that’s where the yellow brick road ends. That path stretches far beyond the corridors of power, past the illusion of sovereignty, past the theater of nations and elections-until it reaches The Crown.
And from there? That’s where the veil lifts. That’s where the pawns are revealed. And that game you thought was reality?
That’s where it truly begins.
There is a deliberate effort to prevent global unity by manipulating people into blaming each other for the actions of their deep state-controlled governments. The strategy is simple: keep the masses divided, distracted, and consumed by hatred, while those in power walk free, indulging in luxury and consolidating control.
The moment you recognize the separation between a people and their government, the illusion shatters-because that’s when you’ll finally see who the real enemy is."
Great observation OP. Trump knew the damning JFK files had been destroyed long ago. This doc release was not about that, it was about exposing the CIA playbook - mockingbird and all.
Thank you. I've seen that one. From what I can tell it says that the CIA had an intel source in Israel. Not really a smoking gun, no direct connection to JFK there.
OP can you confirm if this doc is from the new dump?
We are nowhere near the final exposures. So it stands to reason there would need to be baby steps like the one you describe OP. Also stands to reason the first reveals would cover things that happened long ago, so that current governments are not implicated.
Would you link the docs here so we can verify? I haven't seen anyone sharing it yet.
I've seen docs from this dump which implicate the CIA, mafia, Soviets, plenty of others, but evidence pointing to Israel is suspiciously lacking. Scrubbed long ago perhaps?
Manly P Hall is an intriguing figure. Been meaning to read these for a while: