Me neither! In current millennium, "Never take medical or investment advice from random anonymous users of message forums" requires no reminder about how spectacularly stupid it is. Like printing on a book of matches "Never use this product to burn down your house."
(Come to think of it, it's surprising that lawyers have not conspired to create the necessity of such a notice by suing the pants off a match company after a house fire involving the product. :)
Gave me a good laugh! 😆 Too bad the pills arent colored red, eh?
New Link:
(Edited - the new link supports Teen Challenge, a Christian based drug rehab program. Thanks u/Datasinc!)
⚠️ Disclaimer: Im not a doctor, so everyone should not take my posts as medical advice, and take any suggestions or products at their discretion.
(I can't believe I have to write that on the same board that we discussed horse paste and Z-stacks on. Perhaps some newer people need to see it.)
This link supports Teen Challenge, a Christian based drug rehab program.
I wish I could sticky this. I'll put that link in the context and edit my sticky, but please @everyone - updoot this man!
thanks for the info/think I'll get some of this
I'm not sure. I just took two at the same time.
Me neither! In current millennium, "Never take medical or investment advice from random anonymous users of message forums" requires no reminder about how spectacularly stupid it is. Like printing on a book of matches "Never use this product to burn down your house."
(Come to think of it, it's surprising that lawyers have not conspired to create the necessity of such a notice by suing the pants off a match company after a house fire involving the product. :)
I no longer take medical advice from doctors.