Health Worker in Shanghai Beat a Quarantined Persons Pet Dog to Death
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That's the kind of shit that will get you shot in America, especially in the South. Don't fuck with our wives, children or our animals.
No joke. My dogs are members of my family. I take care of them and they watch our backs. Dogs will readily and unflinchingly put their lives on the line for their family.
If someone were to try to beat my dog to death, I draw my weapon.
Yup, but folks in Shanghai are really serfs and peasants with cell phones. They have been bred and indoctrinated to be slaves and not complain about their government, so they take that shit. And this is what the DS wants for all of us, 100% compliance and obedience.
Caution: Don't read this if you are sensitive.
Back when CV-19 had not yet hit the US, I was following what was happening in China. Lots of people were posting to twitter and tik tok the horror that was going on over there. I was watching their videos to see whether it posed a risk for the US and what might be coming here. Over the weeks I accidentally watched a video that showed a policeman chasing after a puppy who was cowering under a bush. He took his baton and killed it. I wanted to vomit. No one reacted nor stopped him.
Another video from China was titled, "See how the Chinese really are". I expected to see some heartwarming video, but instead saw a man cooking outside on a very large wok. My eyes saw it for about 4 seconds before I could comprehend what I was seeing and stop. The man was cooking a small dog alive on the hot wok. As the pup was yelping and trying to get out and he just kept hitting it with a big wooden spoon. I was so disturbed that I had to leave the area and go upstairs and lie down for a while. I still can't hardly believe it.
Then the videos of live animals in the wet market being prepared for the buyers while they watch. NSFW.
I just don't understand this kind of culture. I don't. I can't.
I can understand a culture who sees dogs as pests, actually. I've seen people kill rats, bats, snakes, racoons, etc.
Having lived for thousands of years near the Chinese, Koreans have a VERY low opinion of them, particularly their ethics, morality, and cleanliness.
I understand how it started. The Chinese will put plastic into your milk, or sell you rotten food. Fresh became a thing, then it became weird.
Watched the same shit with fish.
All stuff that would not even be in your nightmares.
This is communism not public health. It's sick.
Words cannot describe how angry this situation makes me. Have we lost what makes us human at this point? Or have the parasites just taken over and we peasants are at their mercy?
I am seriously worried for the future, especially among our young generation. People had the opportunity to fight this Covid scheme, especially here in America. All the evidence is out and its blatantly obvious this plandemic was a well calculated scheme to gain control, power and money. They created this deadly virus to create the vaccine and force people into submission as well as among all the other bs they’ve done along with it attempting to destroy the world.
It really infuriates me that you still see people here in America following the rules these sociopaths put in place. I walk into the grocery store here in this liberal area I live in and see all these minions wearing masks when their told, and when they are ‘allowed’ to take them off they do.
Where is people’s moral compass? People have lost their ability to reason and think for themselves it seems. They don’t even try. There are now innocent pet dogs, being brutally beat and killed because their owners refused to comply with orders, when are people going to wake up?
The least people could do as an individual to resist, is not wear a mask, not get a vaccine, boycott businesses forcing people into submission, and support businesses resisting. If enough people would have done this we wouldn’t have this problem.
I guess mass formation psychosis is pretty powerful. If anything, I’d argue we were already going down hill years before this all started. I know its not easy for everyone to resist, especially when it came to loosing your job when you have kids, etc, but freedom isn’t free and it take sacrifice to keep your freedom.
China has been like this for many, many years (decades).
If we start to see this level of unchecked callousness manifesting in the United States then yes, we are 100% facing moral decline.
Yet a parade of men in assless chaps dancing provocatively in front of children isn't viewed as a barometer of moral decline. Instead it's called "pride."
You'll get no disagreement from me. I pray for the day that patriots stand up en masse and chase every one of those degenerate freaks right back into their closets and bar the doors shut.
And any of them who so much as looked at a child the wrong way...ever... are buried under the jail.
That turd could be soaked in Sodium Hydroxide and poured down the toilet, to be among other turds.
I will literally strangle someone with my bare hands if they touch my pups. Gouge eyes. Bite them.
I will be on my last breath before letting this happen. Disgusting.
we can use stories like these to our advantage. (normal, empathetic) people have a strong reaction to stories about animal abuse.
I didn't know that the ATF was in China too. Sad.
Here is a link to the article regarding the dog being killed;
They were hungry
They dont have the 2A. We do! A KSG loaded with 00 Buck? Problem solved.
As fucked as their country is with no guns and not enough resistance against the government, I’m not the least bit surprised it ended up this way.