It's only at 91%. It could go either way still. There are the mail in votes still to be counted, and I doubt anyone dead has even voted yet. There are still numerous ballots from the Zuckerboxes sitting in Twatter headquarters, harvested by Twatter Coders themselves, that haven't even been opened yet. I hear more are scheduled for delivery after the polls close.
With current voting laws, 91% can't even be concluded as a majority. In fact Fox News declared that the final result was a "no", so I'm pretty sure it's gonna turn.
It's only at 91%. It could go either way still. There are the mail in votes still to be counted, and I doubt anyone dead has even voted yet. There are still numerous ballots from the Zuckerboxes sitting in Twatter headquarters, harvested by Twatter Coders themselves, that haven't even been opened yet. I hear more are scheduled for delivery after the polls close.
With current voting laws, 91% can't even be concluded as a majority. In fact Fox News declared that the final result was a "no", so I'm pretty sure it's gonna turn.
@Slyver for THE WIN!!!