322 4/9/2018 ... Like clockwork... You have been prepared... Q...--... 4/9/22... Iran's President vows to continue nuclear activities... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by purkiss80 2 years ago by purkiss80 +323 / -1 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
No implication. Straight up delta. Four years to the day. Check the dates.
Cynical / Devil's advocate approach: Iran has access to Q's posts. Could be timing on purpose to disguise as comms / delta / white hat control.
Yes, I've considered that type of thing. But then they'd have to have someone at Fox to make sure it happened. Which seems unlikely.
Operation Mockingbird, fren.... There's CIA at every major news outlet.
Also each passing year makes it more likely for random deltas to happen now and then, especially given the sheer amount of Q posts and the broad range of topics.
Or just fox..