For starters, think logically. Elon Musk is HEAVILY opposed by the MSM, the left, deep state actors, WEF members, and the overwhelming majority of other billionaires. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Deep State wouldn’t EO expend resources attacking Elon if Elon was under their control.
Logic aside, he’s proven it empirically many times. He sat down on an hour+ long interview with Babylon Bee and called CNN a bunch of perverts for their recent paedophilia scandals. He called wokeness “one of the greatest threats to modern civilization” while pounding a white claw. If that doesn’t tell you he’s on our side, Idk what to tell you.
He also zoomed in to the WSJ CEO Council meeting, trolled and mocked all the CEOs there and said the majority of positions at their companies are useless, calling them all greedy. Then proceeded to trash the globalist Build Back Better bill and said we need to stop government spending and end ALL government subsidies. He has publicly criticized Biden and the left-wing agenda on every front.
Left-wing media endlessly write hit pieces about him and are clearly vocally in opposition to Musk. Here’s NBC hinting at comparisons to Hitler and “right-wing”.
Here is Vice attacking Elon back when he displayed C19 scepticism. Declaring “something extremely bogus is going on” after testing positive and negative for C19 at the same time.
Elon Musk has proven endlessly that he is on our side and is a direct enemy of the deep state and the left...
I’m not saying I agree with cybernetics, but he is right. We have reached the limit of our ability to interact with machines. There is a delay and perhaps even translation error from our minds to the machines input.
The next step is direct brain to api.
It is logical and makes sense...
Downvoted for more truth.
Can't have a rational conversation with people.
The technology itself isn't inherently evil, however I recognize the impact if it is used for evil.
The next step is direct interaction with the software at a human to hardware level. Let's for a moment assume the technology isn't used for evil. The software could provide data formatted in a way that can be interpreted by our brains. Then signals from the brain could be transmitted to the software.
In this situation, I'm typing a string of words. I must physically depress the correct key on the keyboard in the correct sequence. This takes time. Now a neural connection could be similar to using dictation, say the word in your mind, the machine recognizes it, inserts it into the now forming string.
The reality is, our brains are powerful enough that eventually there will be completely wireless communication, without any modifications to the human in any way. I don't fear the technology, I fear the ramifications of what evil could do with it. I don't think that's a good reason to hide the technology, censor it, or otherwise treat it like witch craft.
I would argue that the only thing that really could ever be the mark of the beast is taking something that changes your dna.
There is a thick skull around our brain for a reason. If you want to bypass that and risk opening it up to direct manipulation for the sake of a convenient few milliseconds, that’s your own bed you’re making.
Well stated, navycuda, and we're at the precipice of tech taking this exact "next step" whether we agree or not? Evil will always be there to do what it must, but so will we. Gods Plan (I suppose)
"People" here love to downvote the truth...Shrug it off fren...What you said is a rational explanation of the progression of technology...👍 Is having a Pacemaker/Artificial heart make you "transhuman"...I don't think so....Since time began, life expectancy has risen and will continue to do so ...Why? Through Technology....I really don't see that as "evil"
I would agree with that completely...