Over target, Kushner and Ivanka cash out! PART 2
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Kushner has always been my NUMBER ONE ISSUE with Trump. Why would Kushner abandon his mega business for a lousy consulting position? Something here stinks...
Absolutely, when trump first ran a I started digging into his associates it seemed like the whos who of DS criminals. Kushner's father was put in prison for his dirty dealings with the democrat party. Why would trump pardon him and chose his son as his advisor? I never liked that.
The purchase of the 666 building, i mean its just all bad. Every bit of it.
Civil war in the House of Saud
Sides exist, forcing choices.
Trump choose 'not black'.
You have to possess pieces on the board to be an actual player.
That's what politicians do, is broker the deals.
Which drop is this? Seems relevant, i wonder if any dates align.
Interesting, thank you for that. This is the type of discussion i was hoping for.
Dude just keeps posting the same nonsense.
He gets legit repsonses yet ignores them and continues to shill
Pal , the only TARGET you are over is the one where they sell POPCORN and CANDY......suggest making a purchase and then sitting back and watching the rest of this movie play out from your Reddit Cave.
Deported for spam/off topic. This is a place for discussion.
LOL Mr 98days: tHiS iS a PlAcE fOr DiScUsSiOn
I've been here since the beginning. Since the migration from the donald. Did you even know about that? Or has it always been the GA to you? Maybe take your arrogance down a peg or two.
Can you show us on the doll where the mods hurt you?
Youre ok with a mod calling a member a shill pos for bringing up a legitimate discussion point?
Either that mod is a horrible human being and has no place here or hes compromised and pushing a narrative/agenda.
But i see that you cant stay on topic and continually spam attack these posts. Why is that? What is your agenda? To derail legitimate discussions? Deported, be gone bot!
I am 110% ok with a mod calling a member a shill, when they shill.
The fact that you think "your discussion" is legitimate, even when refuted, is amusing. You double down on your own ignorance. It shows that you are in fact employing shill tactics.
The vast majority of Jews are Zionists because we know what "Zionism" means: having a homeland in Israel. Zionism, to Jews, has nothing to do with the globalist cabal or global dominion.
We know what team (((Jared))) and that Asshat (((Mnuchin))) are on. Some guy named Q reminded me Trump is saving Israel for last.
Exactly, and Trump's family is married into them now in a typical political power move. Is this a trap? Maybe a move that leads back to isreal?
Many movies playing at once ;)
For sure.
I don’t get it, corruption is when taxpayer’s money ends up in politicians pockets. Are you saying that the US payed money to bin Salman and he invested that money in Kushner’s firm? Investing it for political gain doesn’t work when you’re out of office.
Corruption is also when politicians use their connections while in office to create kick back opportunities after they are out.
Thats pretty common for these guys to become board members or something in a corp with a huge salary after they're out to "legally" collect kick back money.
I dont know but trump not coming out against fauci and the jab and now endorsing oz i just dont know anymore. :(
Im with you there. Trump pardoned kushners father was a long time correct democrat who went to prison for dirty democrat party dealings. Why would he pardon such a swamp rat? Jared received money from soros for a different company start up.
Not coming out against the vax, endorsing swamp rat after swamp rat. I dont know where this leads but i dont like a lot of this.
Are there any q posts that align with April 11th? Or are there any noticeable comms in these articles?
This seems like a pretty big deal. Every major outlet is reporting on it. It was trending on twitter and was the 2nd most searched google search for a minute yesterday. Q had to have told us about this.
There is quite a bit for Apr 11. This one stood out to me.
3312 Apr 11, 2019 2:34:08 PM EDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily by some of the world's biggest media co's, social media co's deliberately applying censorship/banning, shills paid/inserted to disrupt (media matters), blue checkmark coordinated attacks, etc.? All for a 'conspiracy' on the Chans? All for a 'LARP'? Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q? Example: Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat. FAKE & FALSE narrative. Think BLOCKADE. When you can't attack the information directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you 'create false misleading information' to discredit knowing 'select' 'unaware' followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media). Logical thinking always wins. Nothing can stop what is coming. As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify. We have the source. Q
That is very interesting.
Seems relevant to this current media attack. Thank you for that dig.
No problem. You did the work and you are strong enough to keep at it with all the hate you got the first time around. Impressive. I still don't have an oppinion but I have less of an oppinion now with your second attempt to get your message across. Good job!
Well thank you for being civil. The way that these bots came out i knew that this had to be something. Im slowly gaining pieces for a part three, that i would like to contain all possible SA, WONDERLAND, and date q drops collectively.
Kushner has always been a strange piece of the puzzle. Everything this guy has done and been involved in has been bad. Soros money, saudis, democrat donor father arrested dirty dem party dealings. There is something to this.
Its hard to believe trump is so deeply connected to someone like this.
Maybe when Q said "they thought wed follow the stars" maybe that meant trump? Boy that would make some heads explode. I dont think that is the case but kushner's role in a strange one.
I'm not sure why but kushners name is familiar sounding to me even before trump ran. Like I'm deff way in over my head adulting cause I'm doing it on my own and I don't think my parents were prepping me to survive on my own to this extent but the challenge is magnificent. I'm living literally across the country by myself driving myself nuts (in the beneficial way) living in a place where people think it's an illness to think! I'm born and raised from long island so I guess maybe that's why these names sound familiar to me because now they are in the national news. I never paid attention to news or even elections. I just like to eat and explore. I got my ballot in the mail in 2016 (I'm in a mail on ballot state) and saw trumps name on it. I got excited and didn't even know why. Knew Trump to be good my entire life. Didnt pay attention until a public service announcement I saw on 12/16/2019 and that public service announcement did a red alert in my head. The teachers mentioned watch out for them. Been paying close attention since. But I still cannot figure out if this has always been the adult world or what but I'm not able to follow your stance only because of the fact Hunter did make the deal and used the Vice President's current resources as a means of personal gain without the American people to gain from it. It's like if his dad wasn't in office would Hunter still have been able to get that deal to manifest?
Kushner and his family have been in real estate in the NY/Jersey area for a long time. Jared Kushner's father Charles was a arrested and convicted of of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering and was sentenced to two years imprisonment involving the democrat party. Charles was a long time democrat party donor. Trump gave him a full pardon.
The kushner family also bought the 666 Fifth Avenue address in NY.
So their name has been in the headlines for a long time now.
Jared made headlines when he became Trump's main advisor with little to no experience.
Your last statement is spot on and relates to this discussion as well. Neither Hunter nor Kushner would have made the deals they made without their fathers political connections. That is corruption.
That's not what I'm saying entirely. Hunter made the deal riding on a plane that was paid by tax payer dollars. Kushner made a deal after the fact with no tax payers dollars at use to make personal gains. For some reason I cannot see what else you wrote about so I can't refresh myself but regardless if there is wrong doings here one is a complete conflict of interest which puts our security at risk versus another one puts their own selves at risk. it's like a business, you cannot use the company car to run your personal matters.
I get the possibility of a trap. But i believe it was you in part 1 that brought up the possibility that ivanka and kushner are being used as bait.
Just to clarify, are thinking that they are baiting kushner and his associates or those donating to kushner?
Says the reddit mod trying to scold people for "wrong think".
No one mentioned epic at all. You bring it up out of nowhere and start making ridiculous claims. I remember why i had you blocked now. You are actually insane. You are the guy who tried to claim hospitals were dosing covid patients with fentanyl hahaha