Watch The Water Update: additional info out today
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
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Ann Vandersteel did an update with Dr. Ardis. He adds more info today or added info, and he did an interview with Scott McCay yesterday below too. So we have updated info to dig into Anons for this Covid-MnRNA Venom theory. God bless your work!
What’s up with Flynn camp all coming out basically against it?
They're saying that the whole snake venom thing would be extremely impractical to accomplish and it's something that the normies would find so utterly ridiculous that it would discredit anons. I'm inclined to agree, we all know that remdesivir is bad news at this point so it seems like a distraction. It might be true but it also stinks of a psyop because it is so ridiculous sounding and I highly doubt it's going to change any minds so what's the point?
For the record, I don't take sides anymore. I like Lin Wood but all he does is go after people now. Flynn was deep state for 33 years so I don't trust him either. I also find it notable that Dr Ardis already has a line of supplements to combat the venom which also happens to be the same supplements that are recommended for covid or spike protein exposure.
I'm inclined to agree. I'm not discounting it entirely.
If some scientist comes along with a plausible explanation for how this could be accomplished and how it can be proven, what types of evidence we might expect and how to look for it properly (is it falsifiable?) etc etc
I'd love to hear what they have to say. I don't care how "official" the scientist is or if they're even credentialed in ANY way.
But I'd need a significantly more thorough explanation that I can verify through my own research process before considering this snake venom idea plausible at all, nevermind consider that it may not be a psyop.
Always keep an open mind. Those of us with minds, change them often. In my mind as of only today, this is a psyop or a dumb distraction at best.
A lot of the research he's crediting is very real, but it feels like he may be leaping to a conclusion that doesn't quite match. I think it's more likely the virus/bioweapon known as Covid is snake based or snake venom based at the genome level, because the "venom in every water supply" doesn't... hold water.
I hope Bombard's body language does an ep on the doctor guy. He seems in portrayal a lot of the time. He went from emotional about the kids being prescribed Remdesivir, to downright giddy in the latter half.
I am not too sure it means our tap water, if it's there it will be in our soft drinks and bottled water. That should be reasonably easy to do IMHO.
If anyone remembers the fuss about Fiji water a few years ago?