He got epsteined and people on Telegram made a mockery of his death. The Q pic on his insta was wild tho after he was declared dead, and the pic of the anarchist graffiti claiming solidarity with Q
Apparently his "official" telegram account posted another countdown clock sometime less than a week ago. AFAIK, it came and passed without any result again. Was a recent thread on r/conspiracy about it.
Probably off chilling on an island somewhere drinking something that has a tiny umbrella in it. You know, dead guy stuff.
...with Floyd and Abbot
He got epsteined and people on Telegram made a mockery of his death. The Q pic on his insta was wild tho after he was declared dead, and the pic of the anarchist graffiti claiming solidarity with Q
Link for reference: https://greatawakening.win/p/12j0RDFRHn/black-triangle-1528-/
That was damn wild. I'm wondering if he's working behind the scenes on the Q team. But honestly I have no idea....
Apparently his "official" telegram account posted another countdown clock sometime less than a week ago. AFAIK, it came and passed without any result again. Was a recent thread on r/conspiracy about it.
Heard he is on ice, being held for ransom
Didn't his building collapse? What happened to buildings suddenly get tired and fall down. Weird?
Too much DMT?