Now that the mask mandate has been ruled UNLAWFUL it stands to reason that any of us that were harmed by it has standing to sue the CDC for violation of our rights. Let's get this started!!
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It was ruled unlawful bc it surpassed statutory authority. As we have known from the beginning, the federal entities don’t have the authority to dictate law, install mandates, or supersede state laws. It’s always been federal overreach. The companies, airlines, hospitals etc. complied. They have the right to dictate their own rules for service, employment, etc. What we learned is that everything our forefathers fought to establish has been corrupted. The government and corporations were never supposed to be intertwined. This should be a huge lesson to the people of what happens when they do.
That was a trial run. I wonder what those mf’ers have up their sleeves for the next overstep? What are our masses willing to put up with, and for what fear-based cause?
Be careful here. Companies really do not "have the right to dictate their own rules for service, employment, etc." when it is a violation of the legislated law. Companies are 'creatures' of the State. They are granted permission by the SoS of each State to do business within that State. Companies are often given leeway from the State to make policy as it specifically relates to conducting business. However, the face mask requirement was the first of its kind anomaly. News laws need to be enacted. In some states face masks were already encoded in law as being unlawful. For example, in NY under its tyrannical governors, they simply refused to enforce their existing law. In the courts they have consistently held no emergency or EO can override and nullify existing law.
Since face masks are by FDA definition a medical product, most companies are not lawfully medical practitioners nor are they medically insured to be such. This is a huge violation of law. The only reason this whole fiasco existed is because the payroll loan institutions (ergo, big banks) unlawfully blackmailed companies to mandate it. In addition, the Federal and Demwit Governors also were onboard with this scheme. Biden's alleged EO for the private sector companies with 100+ employees NEVER existed. There was no official mandate for the private sector and it does not exist in the Federal registry. Biden only said this by verbal 'daffy' decree. All the companies used this as a facade to hide their non-disclosure agreement for not to revealing the terms and conditions of the bank's payroll loan policy. Companies depend on the banks to make payroll.
I'd love to get in on something like this, but I have never worn a mask a single time so I probably don't have much of a claim to damages.
Sure we do. I was refused medical care for an infected thumb. I had to call my dogs veterinarian to look at it and give me antibiotics for it. Now,the tip of my thumb is permanently numb and tingly.
Yes, but have you developed the ability to lick yourself? Inquiring to minds want to know…
The dog looks at me funny when I fall off the couch
My cousin says "You know why a dog hikes his leg to pee. I said no, why? He said to throw his asshole out of gear so he don't take a shit.
Keep some colloidal silver and iodine on hand, they are anti bacterial and anti fungal. Silver was used before antibiotics.
Hehe. Myself as well.
Hostile work environment. I have been discriminated against, blocked from mission critical meetings, verbally assaulted and threatened physically by co-workers. Not to mention that HR turned the other way and also said that I was not allowed to express my 1st amendment and/or opinion on mask policy as policy was those who were unvaxd had to wear a muzzle and those who were vaxd did not. Oh and I should be thankful that the company didnt fire me for being unvaxd.
Plenty of harm for a lot of the unvaxd to be claimed.
Remember to use their terms..."Uncomfortable" and "threatened".
Anyone who lost children or family members due to suicide, or who knows someone who attempted to take their own life. Anyone who has a child with speech issues because they couldn't see faces, or who has a child that wasn't able to see facial expressions and now doesn't understand them. I know of someone who's child is "afraid of naked faces". How about the college kids who were locked in their dorm rooms like prisoners, and were threatened with expulsion if they ventured out to make friends, get fresh air, or find their sanity? So many people have trauma from these mask mandates and lockdowns, these class action lawsuits need to happen at some point!!
I actually know a guy who killed himself in Tampa at an old cemetery near downtown. I read the police report and it said a black mask was at his feet. I can’t get that thought out of my head.
I want to destroy the CDC!
I’m on board!
Check out Rosanna Arquette getting the mentally ill all stirred up again. They reported on deaths day after day to throw people over the edge and once again we're being adversely affected by mask babies w/CDS--covid derangement syndrome.