When people emphasize confiscation over production and originality - that’s all you have to see and point out.
That’s it.
They will look like ratfink bastards to anyone with a soul left to reach.
Humans are capable of immeasurable beauty.
That’s not obtained with a chip in your shoulder, blame - anything but strapping in and producing.
If folks don’t produce I’m done.
Look at China. China emulates almost everything like some global black hole. They have beat the originality out of their people and replaced it with conformity. Convergent Thinking.
Nah you misunderstand. They want to steal what we've built and then force us out. They don't want to build for themselves.
South Africa. Enough said.
All of Africa.
When people emphasize confiscation over production and originality - that’s all you have to see and point out.
That’s it.
They will look like ratfink bastards to anyone with a soul left to reach.
Humans are capable of immeasurable beauty.
That’s not obtained with a chip in your shoulder, blame - anything but strapping in and producing.
If folks don’t produce I’m done.
Look at China. China emulates almost everything like some global black hole. They have beat the originality out of their people and replaced it with conformity. Convergent Thinking.
New ideas don’t come from Convergent Thinking.
That is so true. It’s a double edged sword. You need freedom in order to think/create outside the box. That doesn’t happen in a totalitarian society.
This is the correct answer. Not my fault white people conquered the world.