Yes, correction to follow later. Much, much later. Like, never. Now we shall see what a Great Reset looks like. Unless big protests begin. Which I hope they do. Pray for France.
Lets frame the debate more honestly, by asking if theres any evidence whatsoever that any vote you have ever cast, was counted the way that you intended. If you cant even prove your own vote counted, theres zero reason to believe anyone elses vote counted
I saw images of the French news in which Le Pen was ahead, then suddenly way behind, and something about a whole boatload of votes for Macron coming in at the last minute. I remember something about her going DOWN in votes. But since she conceded so quickly, it didn't go anywhere.
Relative is a relative term. In the most heavily populated part of France they used voting machines in 25% of the precincts this election.
The election was also moved up be one month to coincide with spring break vacation times in regions that dislike Macron.
And, not unlike the U.S., France tallies the vote from conservative areas first. Once they know the totals from the French equivalent of flyover country, they count the liberal city vote. Now why would they do that?
If Macron is the globalist puppet we suspect he is, then this was not an honest election, and all other countries infected with the khazarian mafia should review their election/voting system. I have no faith the French election was done honestly, and suspect Le Pen was bought or blackmailed or threatened to concede so quickly. Let's keep an eye on her next moves. No sauce, just instinctual opinion.
I think they mean after days of stealing the federal election...
Yes, correction to follow later. Much, much later. Like, never. Now we shall see what a Great Reset looks like. Unless big protests begin. Which I hope they do. Pray for France.
Lets frame the debate more honestly, by asking if theres any evidence whatsoever that any vote you have ever cast, was counted the way that you intended. If you cant even prove your own vote counted, theres zero reason to believe anyone elses vote counted
^ ka-fucking-BOOM
Good, but you have stumped us with your request for proof.
I saw images of the French news in which Le Pen was ahead, then suddenly way behind, and something about a whole boatload of votes for Macron coming in at the last minute. I remember something about her going DOWN in votes. But since she conceded so quickly, it didn't go anywhere.
That was what we anons like to refer to as the "Biden hockey stick" move.
I like the meme where it also says "fraud."
Relative is a relative term. In the most heavily populated part of France they used voting machines in 25% of the precincts this election.
The election was also moved up be one month to coincide with spring break vacation times in regions that dislike Macron.
And, not unlike the U.S., France tallies the vote from conservative areas first. Once they know the totals from the French equivalent of flyover country, they count the liberal city vote. Now why would they do that?
Why the hell would you think their elections are more secure than ours?
The incentives for stealing a federal election in any first world country would be exactly the same.
Probably controlled opposition to create the illusion of choice.
Was thinking that. She must be a smoke screen. Two runs. Conceded while winning.
Probably the same kind of threats that keep the United States of America on her knees.
If Macron is the globalist puppet we suspect he is, then this was not an honest election, and all other countries infected with the khazarian mafia should review their election/voting system. I have no faith the French election was done honestly, and suspect Le Pen was bought or blackmailed or threatened to concede so quickly. Let's keep an eye on her next moves. No sauce, just instinctual opinion.
You speak quickly when there is a loaded gun facing you.
Unless it was under duress.
This. We do not give threats and duress nearly enough consideration when it comes to "Why aren't these monsters being stopped?"
According to Benjamin Fulford she got 300 million to sweeten the deal.
That's pretty darn sweet. Well, Zelensky has a billion or more, so I guess buying a lead political position is a sweet deal for all!! Just not for us.