The Number one problem in Hollywood was and always will be pedophilia.”
-Corey Feldman
Elijah Wood in his interview. “There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”
Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring. It is a den of parasites who feast on the blood of children. Every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children.” Mel Gibson
Poor or not, each child gets you 300 dollars per month with the tax credit, and then to top it off, you can collect welfare.
It's sort of absurd that the progressive left keeps believing that it's impossible to make it in America when the government gives you everything you need to survive.
I’m flattered you think so but I’m just pointing out that you’re misusing the phrase.
“Saying the quiet part out loud” is when someone speaks about the things they publicly support but accidentally reveals their nefarious ulterior motive.
Try to be more of an asset rather than a nuisance. Stop being a narcissist. Post something other than troll everybody else’s posts. Perception is everything.
It doesn't. The Cabal's economy,though...
^^^ This
The Number one problem in Hollywood was and always will be pedophilia.” -Corey Feldman
Elijah Wood in his interview. “There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”
Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring. It is a den of parasites who feast on the blood of children. Every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children.” Mel Gibson
And yet Corey, Elijah, and even Mel never named names. They kept the system going.
No one was paying attention anyway. It's not only on them.
Have you considered the fact they might have become Trump and/or Q supporters?
Very first thought popped in my head was "Their economy does though." We really need to make these lunatics pay a heavy price.
The. Ultimate. Price.
Like EVERYTHING they have done or hired done to children born and unborn SHALL BE DONE TO THEM. Biblical
Man. If the masses only knew the tragic truth. Or believed it when their heard it.
94-96% will hear and believe.
A similar percentage to the votes Trump got.
Corporate natalism exists.
The uniparty wants socialism. 1 million hungry mouths extra per year is how you get them.
Who is going to be pragmatic enough to not expand WiC, CHIP , Snap, and Child Tax Credits? 3-4 kids is essentially UBI when you're poor
Poor or not, each child gets you 300 dollars per month with the tax credit, and then to top it off, you can collect welfare.
It's sort of absurd that the progressive left keeps believing that it's impossible to make it in America when the government gives you everything you need to survive.
Referring to RvW….but gets the other issue out there.
I don't know about the economy, but their religious rituals definitely run on the blood of infants (and older children).
I heard it does in Hollywood.....
Hot damn 👀
I think their lives do
They do my Good man they do. The Currency of Demons
Damn that’s not far from the horrific truth!
You guys know that’s not what “the quiet part out loud” means, right?
I’m flattered you think so but I’m just pointing out that you’re misusing the phrase.
“Saying the quiet part out loud” is when someone speaks about the things they publicly support but accidentally reveals their nefarious ulterior motive.
Try to be more of an asset rather than a nuisance. Stop being a narcissist. Post something other than troll everybody else’s posts. Perception is everything.
Bud correcting the use of a phrase isn’t narcissism, nor is it trolling. Also not really getting what you mean by “perception is everything.”