"Latine" is the word they're trying for, but obviously this looks and sounds like "Latrine". Genius at work, folks.
Maybe the 'e' is pronounced like the "ə" (schwa) from the international phonetic alphabet? In which case, it still sounds like "Latina". If pronounced like "LaTINE" (rhymes with "nine"), it departs from typical Spanish phonetics as far as I can tell -- I don't speak Spanish. I suppose it could be pronounced in other ways, but those pronunciations don't really add or change anything in a neutralizing way.
Does anyone else feel like pointing out their "language colonialism"? (insert eyeroll here)
Nut cases all of them! I thought Universities were for higher learning, not imbecile learning! They need to be shut down!
A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.
Sounds about right. Go ahead and call yourselves that, so I can laugh at you.
That's mildly disappointing. I wanted to point and laugh!
You still can (point and laugh)
What is wrong with plain old Latino? Why does it need to be replaced with something else in their eyes?
Latino/Latina = gendered language, and they can't have that while they are at war with traditional concepts of gender.
^^^^ This. Plus, Latino cultures are very strongly rooted in gender roles and identities - the left HATES that.
Obviously that’s a rhetorical question, because everyone knows that all the Left lives for is to find things that work well, and destroy them.
Worked w 2 black girls..
LaTissue. Pronounced La tish a
And Latreena..."Trina"
If I'm lying I'm dyin.
MD bil had pt who's daughter's name was Nemesis. Pronounced "na MEES us" In Memphis.
Who said it?
Not afaik. It was a movie quote from a scary guy. He also hid a watch in his butt one time. (hint)
"Latine" is the word they're trying for, but obviously this looks and sounds like "Latrine". Genius at work, folks.
Maybe the 'e' is pronounced like the "ə" (schwa) from the international phonetic alphabet? In which case, it still sounds like "Latina". If pronounced like "LaTINE" (rhymes with "nine"), it departs from typical Spanish phonetics as far as I can tell -- I don't speak Spanish. I suppose it could be pronounced in other ways, but those pronunciations don't really add or change anything in a neutralizing way.
Does anyone else feel like pointing out their "language colonialism"? (insert eyeroll here)
My thoughts exactly.👍